kbd-chooser (1.30ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian.
* Backport from trunk:
- Remove yyunput() from generated flex scanner (causes compiler
kbd-chooser (1.30) unstable; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Const-correctness in findfile_in_dir() and findfile().
* Remove redeclaration of findfile() in loadkeys.y.
[ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan ]
* Add Thai (tis-620) keysyms support. Closes: #377355.
[ Frans Pop ]
* Add support for ppc64. Closes: #339716.
* Execute S55kbd-chooser in debian-installer.d where it belongs so that
UTF-8 support actually gets enabled. Closes: #365308.
* Add Lintian override for standards-version.
[ Philip Hands ]
* Add isinstallable: to delay configuration if auto-install/enabled=true.
[ Davide Viti ]
* Enable "iso-8859-7" needed to install Greek keyboard. Closes: #382697.
* Disable "mazovia", "koi8", "cp1250" keysyms which are currently unused;
re-enabling can be done in config.h by uncommenting the right define(s).
[ Updated translations ]
* Greek, Modern (1453-) (el.po) by quad-nrg.net
* Estonian (et.po) by Siim Põder
* Gujarati (gu.po) by Kartik Mistry
* Icelandic (is.po) by David Steinn Geirsson
* Panjabi (pa.po) by A S Alam
* Traditional Chinese (zh_TW.po) by Tetralet
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:03:04 +0100