Change logs for kubuntu-docs source package in Feisty

  • kubuntu-docs (7.04-5) feisty; urgency=low
      * String fixes and updated translation files
        - kubuntu/games/C/game.xml (Closes: 95492 & 94930)
        - kubuntu/keeping-safe/C/keeping-safe.xml (Closes: 94273)
        - kubuntu/libs/kde-menus-C.ent (Closes: 95108)
        - kubuntu/libs/ccbysa.html & contributors.html (Closes: 94649)
     -- Richard A. Johnson <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:20:05 -0500
  • kubuntu-docs (7.04-4) feisty; urgency=low
      * Move firefox/img directory to firefox/images, missed in previous upload
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:18:49 +0000
  • kubuntu-docs (7.04-3) feisty; urgency=low
      * Fixed file conflict with ubuntu-docs (Closes #91749)
        - kubuntu/firefox-homepage/index.html renamed to kindex.html
        - move kindex.html to kfirefox-index.html in
        - debian/postinst: fixed to install and set kfirefox-index.html
          as firefox-homepage alternative
      * Fixed old doc dir to be removed correctly during upgrade (Closes #91927)
        - debian/prerm: set firefox-homepage to auto and then remove
          kfirefox-index.html correctly. If ubuntu-docs package is installed
          this will make sure that it falls back to the ubuntu-docs firefox
      * Moved around firefox-startpage to isntall and not conflict - removed from
        kubuntu/Makefile and placed in debian/rules for correct placement
     -- Richard A. Johnson <email address hidden>   Tue, 13 Mar 2007 23:54:14 -0500
  • kubuntu-docs (7.04-2) feisty; urgency=low
      * Updated package
        - Latest Topic Based Help Documentation
        - Kubuntu Firefox Startpage
     -- Richard A. Johnson <email address hidden>   Thu,  8 Mar 2007 23:41:46 -0600
  • kubuntu-docs (7.04-1) feisty; urgency=low
      * Feisty Docs pre-release
        -includes: about-kubuntu, systemdocs, server, and packaging guide
        -removed: releasenotes, desktopguide (sysdocs)
     -- Richard A. Johnson <email address hidden>   Sun, 14 Jan 2007 21:18:25 -0600
  • kubuntu-docs (6.10-1) edgy; urgency=low
      * Edgy docs
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:41:32 +0100