ppp (2.4.4rel-4ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- "Perform ppp_on_boot migration from pppoe package."
- provide pppoe_on_boot file
- debian/patches/load_ppp_generic_if_needed: load ppp_generic kernel
module if needed
ppp (2.4.4rel-4) unstable; urgency=low
[ Eddy Petrișor ]
* Using provider as the pppoe profile name in ppp-udeb so that the
connection starts after reboot and to integrate better with ppp helpers.
* Implemented idempotency in ppp-udeb by following the pid file generated
by pppd and bringing down interfaces which were rised by ppp-udeb.
* Improved some conditions which were problematic in concentrator detection.
* Deal elegantly with resolv.conf when using peer dns in ppp-udeb.
* Really detect if the interfaces were raised before ppp-udeb probed.
* Added a ppp-udeb.dirs file.
* Revert the gratuitous type change to "note" for ppp/detect_progress.
(Closes: #395197)
* Fix some mistakes in ppp-udeb.postinst which could have caused some of the
strange issues seen during early tests. (Closes: #395187)
* Updated debconf translation: ro.
[ Marco d'Itri ]
* Pass the command line arguments to the ip*-{up,down} scripts.
(Closes: #378810)
* Updated debconf translations: de, ru. (Closes: #396035, #397169)
* Improved bash completion. (Closes: #397037)
ppp (2.4.4rel-3) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Luk Claes ]
* Add a Provides entry in the LSB type header (Closes: #386387).
* Updated debconf translations: ro, fr, es, cs, nl, sv, ja.
(Closes: #377672, #384191, #378636, #380529, #384875, #386769)
(Closes: #387028, #390489).
* Fix PPPDIR (Closes: #384121, #392858).
[ Eddy Petrişor ]
* Sanitise debconf output for udeb (Closes: #385150).
- don't use db_stop in ppp-udeb.postinst.
- give ppp-udeb priority 17 in the menu so it runs before netcfg.
- don't fail when ppp is queued for installation (by apt-install).
[ Marco d'Itri ]
* Stop linking pppdump with zlib since it's not used.
ppp (2.4.4rel-2) unstable; urgency=high
* Make postinst not fail if /dev/MAKEDEV does not exist yet.
(Closes: #325650)
* Update debconf translation: da. (Closes: #377672)
-- Michael Vogt <email address hidden> Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:39:13 +0100