Change logs for xsecurelock source package in Focal

  • xsecurelock (1.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Upstream version 1.5.1
      * Bump Standards-Version from 4.1.4 to 4.3.0
      * Changes from upstream version 1.5.1
        * XSECURELOCK_FORCE_GRAB no longer sometimes fails to re-map the unmapped
          windows in case locking fails despite the forcing. Previously, a missing
          XSync call led to the re-mapping sometimes not taking effect.
      * Changes from upstream version 1.5.0
        * Always wake up from mouse motion events.
        * Set PAM_RHOST to "localhost" as recommended by the Linux-PAM manual; add
          a feature to disable setting this field entirely as a workaround for
        * Remove some stderr spam.
        * Detect VNC and Chrome Remote Desktop servers and refuse to lock them, as
          locking them would not make much sense (can be overridden).
        * Allow the helpers directory to be recreated while xsecurelock is
          running. Fixes issues like "cannot unlock after unattended package
     -- Markus Teich <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 Sep 2019 13:58:15 +0200