node-path-is-inside binary package in Ubuntu Focal amd64

 The **path-is-inside** package will give you a robust, cross-platform
 way of detecting whether a given path is inside another path.
 Like Node's built-in path module, path-is-inside treats all file paths on
 Windows as case-insensitive, whereas it treats all file paths on
 *-nix operating systems as case-sensitive. Keep this in mind especially
 when working on a Mac, where, despite Node's defaults, the OS usually treats
 paths case-insensitively.
 Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2019-10-18 09:15:30 UTC Published Ubuntu Focal amd64 release universe web Optional 1.0.2-1
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu artful-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu