getfem++ source package in Groovy

libgetfem++-dev: No summary available for libgetfem++-dev in ubuntu groovy.
libgetfem5++: GETFEM++ generic finite element library
libgetfem5++-dbgsym: debug symbols for libgetfem5++
libgmm++-dev: Generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices
python3-getfem++: No summary available for python3-getfem++ in ubuntu groovy.
python3-getfem++-dbgsym: No summary available for python3-getfem++-dbgsym in ubuntu groovy.

Versions published

There is no current release of this source package in The Groovy Gorilla. You can still report bugs, make translations, and so on, but they might not be used until the package is published.

getfem++ information

No published releases of this package have been uploaded in Ubuntu Groovy

Upstream connections


This application is intended to be a tool for easy, almost automatic, creation and calculation of gear transmission finite element models. It consists of a geometry and mesh generator based on GMSH and a finite element model based on GETFEM++.

Bug supervisor: yes
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes

There are no registered releases for the GGGears ⇒ trunk.