hddtemp (0.3-beta15-36) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix the init script, trying to kill not running daemon on shutdown
(closes: #411645).
hddtemp (0.3-beta15-35) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated Portuguese translation, thanks to Miguel Figueire (closes:
hddtemp (0.3-beta15-34) unstable; urgency=low
* Relax SATA magic checkings (closes: #404310)
* Updated Swedish debconf template. Thanks to Daniel Nylander (closes:
* /etc/default/hddtemp: changed SYSLOG into RUN_SYSLOG and fixed the
comments (closes: bug#401978).
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Apr 2007 00:02:54 +0100