kiwi (1.9.16-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* New upstream release:
- Polish translation (Jarek Zgoda)
- ObjectList updates
- Support for currency marker in KiwiLabel (#3389, Ronaldo Maia)
- Improvements to glade-3 plugin (Ali, #3461)
- ObjectList::row-expanded signal (Ali, #3460)
- Kiwi completion fixes/workaround (Ali, #2901)
- Tasklet updates (Gustavo)
- ValueUnset and KiwiEntry (Ali, #3408)
- Gaxml support in loader
- Gazpacho support for ObjectList (Ali, #3389)
- Rml translation support
- SQLObject full text index support
-- Aron Sisak <email address hidden> Thu, 19 Jul 2007 20:32:02 +0200
kiwi (1.9.15-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* Resynchronized with Debian, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control: Package: python-kiwi Replaces: kiwi.
- Modify Maintainer value to match Debian-Maintainer-Field Spec
kiwi (1.9.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Piotr Ozarowski ]
* New python-support handles egg's directory name correctly
- bump python-support required version
- remove mv part from debian/rules
[ Goedson Paixao ]
* New upstream release.
* New Maintainer (Closes: #414259)
* Added Python Modules Team to Uploaders.
* debian/patches/04_avoid_building_helper_module.diff:
- updated
* debian/patches/02_avoid_version_checking.diff:
- updated
* debian/patches/03_epyrun_use_local_modules.diff:
- removed since it's not needed anymore
* Updated the watch file
* Do not rebuild the api documentation since it uses
pydoctor for this
* debian/control:
- Removed obsolete XS-Python-Version and XB-Python-Version fields
-- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:58:37 +0200
kiwi (1.9.15-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
- Drop from Build-Depends: python-epydoc, python-twisted-core,
xvfb, xbase-clients, xfonts-base
* debian/compat: Change to 5.
* debian/patches:
- 01_avoid_building_howto.diff: Updated.
- 02_avoid_version_checking.diff: Updated.
- 03_epyrun_use_local_modules.diff: Dropped.
- 04_avoid_building_helper_module.diff: Updated.
* debian/rules:
- Don't remove the API documention until we have pydoctor to recreate it.
-- Michael Bienia <email address hidden> Sat, 26 May 2007 21:36:44 +0200
kiwi (1.9.13-4ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/control:
+ Replaces: kiwi (needs to be kept till the next Ubuntu LTS release)
* debian/control:
- Move python-support from B-D-I to B-D and depend on >= 0.6.4
- Change python-all-dev to python-all
- Change Maintainer/XSBC-Original-Maintainer field.
- Remove X[SB]-Python-Version and move it to debian/pyversions as
suggested by the warning
kiwi (1.9.13-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* QA upload.
* debian/rules: Renaming .egg-info is no longer necessary.
Closes: #423975.
kiwi (1.9.13-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* QA upload.
* Remove duplicate docs from /usr/share/doc/kiwi. Closes: #419166.
* Remove Uploaders.
kiwi (1.9.13-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Orphaning package.
kiwi (1.9.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Piotr Ozarowski ]
* Added XS-Vcs-Svn field
[ Gustavo Noronha ]
* New upstream release
* debian/patches/03_epyrun_use_local_modules.diff:
- updated
* debian/patches/04_avoid_building_helper_module.diff:
- added, to make the _kiwi arch-dependant module not be built
-- Michael Bienia <email address hidden> Thu, 24 May 2007 13:50:28 +0200
kiwi (1.9.13-0ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
* New upstream release:
- Workaround GtkEntry bug when resizing the size of its GtkWindows.
- Include _kiwi.c in tarball, fixes build.
- Use pkg-config to find pygtk version.
* debian/control:
- added pkg-config to Build-Depends.
* debian/patches/02_avoid_version_checking.diff:
- updated.
-- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden> Tue, 6 Feb 2007 09:42:28 +0100