ampache ( unstable; urgency=high
* Removed COLLEGE.ttf from the org.tar.gz. Closes: #455698
* Removed the -XCOLLEGE.ttf and -Xhelperapps options from dh_install in
debian rules.
* Removed empty helperapps folder in src/modules/id3 to correct lintian
* Updated Standards Version to 3.7.3.
ampache ( unstable; urgency=high
* Added -XCOLLEGE.ttf option to dh_install in debian rules. Added
ttf-freefont to the depends section of debian control. Added link to
freefont in debian links. Closes: #455698
* Removed php5-cli from depends section of debian control.
* Moved php5-gd from the depends field to the recommends field.
Closes: #452638
* Added Dutch po file, thanks Bart Cornelis. Closes: #449405
* Fixed a potential display problem.
* Updated debian copyright with Dutch translation copyright information.
* Added -Xhelperapps option to dh_install in debian rules to correct a
lintian error.
ampache ( unstable; urgency=low
* Added dpatch system.
* Fixed getid3.lib.php.
* Updated debian/copyright to include translator copyright information.
* Upstream will not be including libphp-snoopy into version
However he is considering it's usage in version 3.4 which is in
development. Closes: #443947
* Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
english team as part of the Smith review project. Thanks Christian
Perrier <email address hidden>. Closes: #445084, #446006
* [Debconf translation updates]
* Tamil. Closes: #445597
* Portuguese. Closes: #445606, #442391
* Czech. Closes: #445654
* Basque. Closes: #445949
* German. Closes: #446004
* Russian. Closes: #446142
* Finnish. Closes: #446407
* French. Closes: #446553
* Italian. Closes: #446591
* Galician. Closes: #446605
* Vietnamese. Closes: #446987
* Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #447758
-- Charlie_Smotherman <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:12:53 +0000