boxbackup (0.10+really0.10-1ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low
* Don't redirect ucf calls. This was forgotten in the previous upload,
but should have been there.
-- Tollef Fog Heen <email address hidden> Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:17:35 +0100
boxbackup (0.10+really0.10-1ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
* Fix up postinst so we don't call db_stop too early, and use
--debconf-ok to ucf. (No versioned dependency since even oldstable
has a new enough ucf.) Use db_stop near the end to make sure we don't
hang after starting the daemon though.
-- Tollef Fog Heen <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:33:57 +0100
boxbackup (0.10+really0.10-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Rebuild for libdb4.3 -> libdb4.6 migration.
* Set MOTU to maintainer.
-- Chuck Short <email address hidden> Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:37:35 -0500
boxbackup (0.10+really0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
* revert new upstream accidentally slipped into unstable.
* big apologies that I now need to upload this package earlier than
promised to the boxbackup translators :(
* add watchfile
* Bug fix: "boxbackup-server recommends boxbackup-utils (unavailable)",
thanks to Pelayo Gonzalez (Closes: #424992).
* Apply new debconf templates and debian/control review. Thanks to
Christan Perrier! (Closes: #429396)
* Bug fix: "boxbackup: French debconf templates translation", thanks to
Vincent Bernat (Closes: #430856).
* Bug fix: "[l10n] Czech translation of boxbackup debconf messages",
thanks to Miroslav Kure (Closes: #431463).
* Bug fix: "boxbackup: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese debconf templates
translation", thanks to Clytie Siddall (Closes: #430535).
* Bug fix: "depends on non-essential package ucf in postrm", thanks to
Michael Ablassmeier (Closes: #431518).
* Bug fix: "depends on non-essential package ucf in postrm", thanks to
Michael Ablassmeier (Closes: #431519).
* run testsuite on build, use 'notest' in $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to disable
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:34:10 +0100
boxbackup (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
* upload to debian (Closes: #416605)
* Cleanups in debian/rules
* Apply patch from svn, commit #626, in order to fix FTBFS
see http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/trac/changeset/626
* Drop the boxbackup-utils package, since it only shipped one single
script, which is generally used for CA maintenance, so move it to the
to the boxbackup-server package
* Bump standards version to 3.7.2
* add missing manpages
* add README.Debian
* use debhelper 5
* cleanup the versioned dependencies in debian/control
[ Jérôme Schell ]
* New upstream version
* Add LSB headers in init script
boxbackup (0.09-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Added man pages for bbackupd, bbackupd-config, bbackupctl, bbackupquery
* Improve lintian compatibility of the packages
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 21 May 2007 09:47:38 +0100