Change logs for kqemu source package in Hardy

  • kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-8ubuntu1~hardy1) hardy-backports; urgency=low
      * Automated backport upload; no source changes.
    kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-8ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Adding DKMS support (LP: #127610, #249493, #107342)
        - debian/
          + Include a skeleton that is used for making a DKMSified
        - debian/control:
          + Adjust kqemu-source depends.
        - debian/rules:
          + Adjust where kqemu-source installs to for DKMS support.
        - debian/kqemu-source.{postinst,prerm}:
          + Include for DKMS support.
      * Adding user group support (LP: #159340, #135067)
        - Include 60-kqemu.rules udev rules
        - debian/kqemu-source.init:
          + Add init script to load kernel module upon boot.
        - debian/rules:
          + Install 60-kqemu.rules
          + Install init script
        - debian/kqemu-source.{postinst,prerm}:
          + Create a kqemu group.
      * Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
     -- Daniel Gimpelevich <email address hidden>   Fri, 05 Sep 2008 10:26:20 +0100
  • kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-8) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Bumping package to policy 3.7.3.
      * Bumping package to debhelper 6.
      * Using new homepage field in control.
      * Correcting wrong man section of module-assistant in README.Debian.
      * Temporarily build-depending on gcc-4.1 (Closes: #444008).
      * Updated Otavios patch:
        - Builds fine with dash as /bin/sh (Closes: #425930).
        - Now that the kernel arch matches, it will also build on amd64
          (Closes: #460090).
        - Allows building of kqemu with modules-assistant and kernel 2.6.24 again
          (Closes: #463782).
     -- Lucas Caba?as <email address hidden>   Mon,  11 Feb 2008 20:20:33 +0000
  • kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-7) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fixing another issue affecting linux-modules-extra-2.6 (Closes: #433525).
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Tue,  04 Dec 2007 11:53:49 +0000
  • kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-6.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * NMU (with maintainer's permission).
      * Fix build issues affecting linux-modules-extra-2.6.  (Closes: #433525)
        - 04-nonfree-object.dpatch: New. Fix dependency on obsolete non-free
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Tue,  23 Oct 2007 16:52:33 +0100
  • kqemu (1.3.0~pre11-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Applied patch from Samuel Tardieu <email address hidden> to fix FTBFS with
        linux 2.6.22 (Closes: #434031).
     -- William Grant <email address hidden>   Wed,  05 Sep 2007 09:34:52 +0100