Change logs for libxxf86misc source package in Hardy

  • libxxf86misc (1:1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Andres Salomon ]
      * Autoreconf w/ an updated xutils-dev so that manpages have the 'x'
        extension dropped.
      * Revert previous .la file addition.
      [ Drew Parsons ]
      * dbg package has priority extra.
      * explicitly exclude from dh_install
      * use dh_installman to install man pages
      * upload to unstable (X11R7.1)
    libxxf86misc (1:1.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * Drop patches/01_manpage_location.diff; merged upstream.
      * Test for obj-$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) before creating it during build;
        idempotency fix.
      * Run dh_install w/ --list-missing.
      * Drop duplicate x11-common dep in -dev package.
      * Bump standards version to
      * Version x11-common pre-dep in -dev package to 1:7.0.0 to match
        the rest of Debian.
      * Bump debhelper compat to 5.
      * Fix dh_strip call to skip the -dbg package.
      * Don't attempt to install (non-existent) usr/include/X11/* stuff.
      * Include .la file in -dev package.
     -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>   Wed,  20 Dec 2006 11:41:36 +0000