liquidwar (5.6.3-3ubuntu5) hardy; urgency=low
* debian/control: add Build-Depends on python-dev.
-- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden> Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:36:59 +0100
liquidwar (5.6.3-3ubuntu4) hardy; urgency=low
* Remove build dependency on python-xml (LP: #199014).
-- Christophe Sauthier <email address hidden> Thu, 06 Mar 2008 17:07:35 +0100
liquidwar (5.6.3-3ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low
* Disable assembly for amd64 in debian/rules. (cf. Debian: #451436).
-- Stefan Potyra <email address hidden> Sat, 09 Feb 2008 17:53:00 +0100
liquidwar (5.6.3-3ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
* Update .desktop file to match the current FD.o standards.
-- Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT) <email address hidden> Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:45:42 +0100
liquidwar (5.6.3-3ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable.
* Ubuntu changes kept:
Added libxxf86dga-dev, libxxf86vm-dev to Build-Depends.
liquidwar (5.6.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Maintainer upload.
* Acknowledge previous NMU (Closes: #391237). Thanks to Michael Ablassmeier.
* debian/rules
+ Switched to quilt for patch handling.
+ Install .desktop file and icon
* debian/control:
+ Set policy to -- no changes.
+ remove ${misc:Depends} from Liquidwar depends (useless in our case)
+ replace {Source-Version} by {source:Version} for liquidwar-data
+ replace {Source-Version} by {binary:Version} for liquidwar-server
+ Build-depend on quilt.
* 010_doc.diff: (new patch from old diff.gz)
+ documentation fixes.
* 010_misc.diff: (new patch from old diff.gz)
+ changed color palette of liquidwar_32x32.xpm
liquidwar (5.6.3-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Add Replaces for liquidwar << 5.6.2-2 in order to ensure
upgradeability from sarge (Closes: #391237)
-- Sarah Hobbs <email address hidden> Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:52:15 +1100