xmorph (1:20040717) unstable; urgency=low
* in GTK2 the callback for key presses in the window area was not binded
* wavelet statistics are computed while warping and not while blending
(so moving the blending slide reacts faster)
* the warp pulls pixel from loaded image and not from the editing subimage,
and the resample code pads image with its border color and not with black
(1:20040714) unreleased
* added 'disable-rpath' to configure
* the spinbuttons in GTK2 use value-changed callback
(1:20040713) unreleased
* code clean up: divided 'callbacks.c' and 'utils.c' in many files
* use 'gdk_window_invalidate_rect' instead of 'gtk_widget_draw' in
GTK2 : the responsiveness of the program is much improved
* gtk-meta.h and gtk-meta.c to compile for win32 and gtk 1.2 , 2.2
(1:20040707) unreleased
* 'configure --with-gtk2' has been replaced by 'configure --with-gtk=version'
* corrected magnifier offset
* corrected thin-plate-spline smoother in relax.c: no more mesh entangling
* new astounding features:
- auto calibration of mesh points
- wavelet equalization
- saving images in ppm, jpeg, png format (thanks to GTK2 )
-- A Mennucc1 <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Jun 2004 11:26:54 +0200