rustc (1.59.0+dfsg1~ubuntu1~llvm-1~ubuntu1~21.10.2) impish; urgency=medium
* d/p/u-revert-92419.patch: cherry-picked to fix a big performance
regression on s390x.
-- Simon Chopin <email address hidden> Tue, 07 Jun 2022 16:17:36 +0200
rustc (1.57.0+dfsg1+llvm-0ubuntu1~21.10.1) impish; urgency=medium
* Backport to Impish. (LP: #1952104)
-- Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden> Fri, 21 Jan 2022 16:41:59 +1300
rustc (1.53.0+dfsg1+llvm-4ubuntu1~21.10.1) impish; urgency=medium
* Backport to Impish. (LP: #1943842)
-- Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:01:51 +1300
rustc (1.51.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp3ubuntu1) impish; urgency=medium
* Merge 1.51.0+dfsg1-1~exp3 from Debian experimental (LP #1932145).
Remaining changes:
- Use the bundled llvm to avoid having to do llvm updates in order to
deliver rust updates
- update debian/config.toml.in
- update debian/control
- update debian/copyright
- update debian/rules
- Build-Depend on libc6-dbg on armhf, to workaround a crash in ld.so
during some debuginfo tests
- update debian/control
- Add a hack to ensure the stage0 compiler is extracted to the correct
- update debian/make_orig-stage0_tarball.sh
- Scrub -g from CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in order to let rustbuild control
whether LLVM is compiled with debug symbols
- update debian/rules
- On i386, only build debuginfo for libstd
- update debian/rules
- Ignore all test failures on every architecture
- update debian/rules
- Version the Build-Conflict on gdb-minimal as gdb now Provides it
- update debian/control
- Adjust the rustc Breaks/Replaces libstd-rust-dev version to fix an
upgrade issue
- update debian/control
- Adjust debian/watch to include +llvm in upstream version.
- update debian/watch
- Add Build-Depends-Indep: libssl-dev
- Revert workaround for upstream bug #74786
- Disable wasm build as build dependencies not currently available in
- Do not build windows cross compiler.
- Try reducing parallelism in rustbuild on arm64 to avoid OOM.
- Reduce parallelism during build on s390x too.
* Disable check against uploading ~exp versions.
-- Michael Hudson-Doyle <email address hidden> Tue, 06 Jul 2021 13:16:52 +1200
rustc (1.50.0+dfsg1+llvm-0ubuntu5) hirsute; urgency=medium
* No change rebuild rebootstrap.
-- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:54:48 +0100