Change logs for alsa-lib source package in Intrepid

  • alsa-lib (1.0.17a-0ubuntu4) intrepid; urgency=low
      [ Mario Limonciello ]
      * debian/patches/bluetooth_configuration.patch:
        - Adds a pointer to the bluetooth configuration file.
          If a user has bluez-audio installed and a heaset paired
          this will allow them to use a headset by the name of
          "headset" (LP: #274950)
      [ Luke Yelavich ]
      * Add files to /etc/ for libasound2 and libasound2 bi-arch
        packages. This Allows for alsa plugins to be referred to in alsa
        configuration files without the need for absolute paths, the pulseaudio
        runtime check is one such example. (LP: #273693)
     -- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden>   Tue, 07 Oct 2008 17:49:28 +1100
  • alsa-lib (1.0.17a-0ubuntu3) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Revert below patches due to 100% CPU usage with amarok: (LP: #273645)
        - from_git_dont_lose_no_xxx_flags.patch
        - from_git_remove_access_type_change_for_refine.patch
     -- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden>   Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:04:22 +1000
  • alsa-lib (1.0.17a-0ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Some fixes from alsa-lib git (no API/ABI changes):
        - from_git_dont_lose_no_xxx_flags.patch
        - from_git_Reword_snd_pcm_delay_doxygen_doc.patch
        - from_git_dont_call_simple_mixer_interface_legacy.patch
        - from_git_remove_access_type_change_for_refine.patch
        - from_git_fix_snd_pcm_read_comment.patch
        - from_git_fix_async_callback_error_messages.patch
      * debian/patches/pulseaudio_configuration.patch: Add a pointer to
        an alsa configuration file for pulseaudio, which will allow the pulseaudio
        alsa plugin to be used whenever pulseaudio is installed and running.
     -- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden>   Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:57:25 +1000
  • alsa-lib (1.0.17a-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * Merge from Debian experimental.
      * Packaging
        + debian/libasound2.p{ostinst,rerm}: Install,remove update-notifier
          file, respectively;
        + debian/user-must-execute-asoundconf-set-default-card.update-notifier:
          Tighten Display test;
        + debian/control: Add Vcs-Bzr URI.
     -- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden>   Fri, 22 Aug 2008 12:39:52 +1000
  • alsa-lib (1.0.16-2ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable.
      * Patches
        - debian/patches/{dont,fix}*: Remove (already applied upstream).
      * Packaging
        + debian/libasound2.p{ostinst,rerm}: Install,remove update-notifier
          file, respectively;
        + debian/user-must-execute-asoundconf-set-default-card.update-notifier:
          Tighten Display test;
        + debian/control: Add lpia to supported arches, adhere to
          DebianMaintainerField, add Vcs-Bzr URI.
    alsa-lib (1.0.16-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Elimar Riesebieter ]
      * Introduced dmix_first_set_fix.patch from ALSA hg repository.
        (closes: #469064)
    alsa-lib (1.0.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
      [ Elimar Riesebieter ]
      * Switched to debhelper 6.
      * Bumped Standard-Version to 3.7.3; no changes needed.
      * Removed fix-sampling-bit-shifts.patch. Applied from upstream.
      * debian/rules: Let dh_shlibdeps run with lib64asound2 too.
      * Removed useless dir files.
      * Fullified copyright not in copyright file.
      [ Jordi Mallach ]
      * Bump shlibs to 1.0.16, new symbols have been added.
     -- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden>   Thu, 01 May 2008 18:40:46 -0400
  • alsa-lib (1.0.15-3ubuntu4) hardy; urgency=low
      * Backport fixes from hg tip (no API/ABI changes):
        - fix_sem_deadlock_in_dmix.patch (LP: #190059),
        - fix_const_casts.patch,
        - fix_ioplug.patch,
        - fix_control_range.patch,
        - dont_use_hackish_callback_in_rate_plugin.patch,
        - fix_cpu_hog_in_rate_plug.patch,
        - fix_mmap_with_multi_plug.patch,
        - fix_wrong_return_values_in_direct_plug.patch,
        - fix_timestamp_in_status_pcm_direct_plug.patch,
        - fix_configs_error_handling.patch,
        - fix_not_updated_bit_set.patch,
        - fix_device_assignment.patch,
        - fix_missing_aliases.patch.
     -- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden>   Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:31:24 -0400