cbflib ( unstable; urgency=low
[ Teemu Ikonen ]
* Initial release (Closes: #467655)
[ Morten Kjeldgaard ]
* debian/patches: autotools building tools, added with patches.
* debian/control:
- name of -dev package renamed to reflect standard convention:
cbflib-dev -> libcbf-dev.
- cbflib-bin is a new package containing utility binaries.
- libcbf0 is a new package containing the shared library.
- description shortened.
- mok takes over as maintainer
* debian/*.1: authored manpages for binaries in -bin package.
* debian/rules: modified to allow building the autotools
* debian/cbflib-doc.doc-base: longer description
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Fri, 30 May 2008 07:44:01 +0100