Change logs for configobj source package in Intrepid

  • configobj (4.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Piotr Ożarowski ]
      * Homepage field added
      * Rename XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-* (dpkg supports them now)
      [ Sandro Tosi ]
      * debian/control
        - added Vcs-Browser
      [ Gustavo Noronha Silva ]
      * New upstream release
      * debian/rules:
      - configobj no longer provides an oddly-named changelog;
      * debian/rules, debian/python-configobj.install:
      - make sure to install all the useful stuff that now lives in
      * debian/python-configobj.doc-base.api:
      - fixed Section to conform to the doc-base manual specifications
      * debian/control:
      - updated standards version to 3.7.3
      - no longer build-depend on a -1 revision for setuptools
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  11 May 2008 15:32:31 +0100
  • configobj (4.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [Gustavo Noronha Silva]
      * debian/control:
      - remove duplicated line from the description (Closes: #423188)
      * debian/rules:
      - use full-named arguments for epydoc; thanks to Cyril Brulebois
        <email address hidden> for pointing out the fix;
        (Closes: #433744)
      [Piotr Ożarowski]
      * New python-support handles egg's directory name correctly
      * bump python-support required version
      * remove mv part from debian/rules
     -- William Grant <email address hidden>   Tue,  14 Aug 2007 20:37:03 +0100