Change logs for electric source package in Intrepid

  • electric (8.07-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Merge with Ubuntu
      * Remaining Debian changes
        - debian/control
          * electric doesn't build with GCJ. Hence remove default-jdk from build
          * Set 'Maintainer' to Debian Java Maintainers. Remove
            XSBC-Original-Maintainer field.
          * Add 'Uploaders' field.
          * Add Vcs-* fields
        - debian/copyright
          * Update copyright holders, GPL 2 -> GPL 3.
    electric (8.07-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * New Upstream version. Please check changelog for details. (LP: #242720)
      * debian/control
        - Add build dependencies *-jdk, cdbs and bsh.
        - Remove build dependency dpatch. We will be using CDBS simple patchsys.
        - Refreshed runtime dependencies to default-jre | java2-runtime and bsh.
        - Added home page field.
        - Standard version 3.8.0.
        - Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
        - Changed email address for original maintainer to indicate who has
          refreshed the packaging.
      * debian/rules
        - Revamped to use cdbs.
        - Added get-orig-source target.
      * debian/patches
        - 00list, 02_sensible-browser.dpatch, 01_errors-numbers.dpatch,
          03_manpage.dpatch - Deleted, not relevant anymore.
        - 01_fix_build_xml.patch - Patch to fix the build.xml.
      * debian/
        - File to set various compilation properties.
      * debian/electric.1
        - Remove the entry that causes lintian warning.
      * debian/electric.desktop
        - Change as suggested by desktop-file-validate.
      * debian/
        - Updated as per changes in file names.
      * debian/electric.svg
        - Name changed from electric_icon.svg.
      * debian/install
        - Added appropriate locations for jar file, desktop file and wrapper shell
      * debian/README.source
        - Added to comply with standards version 3.8.0.
      * debian/TODO.Debian
        - Name changed form TODO.
      * debain/wrapper/electric
        - Wrapper shell script to launch the application.
      * debian/manpages
        - Added for installation of manpage.
      * debian/watch
        - Updated to match jar files instead of older tar.gz files.
      * debian/dirs
        - Removed, not needed anymore.
      * debian/{electric.doc-base, electric.examples, substvars}
        - Removed, not relevant anymore.
      * debian/*.debhelper
        - Removed auto generated files. Not relevant anymore.
    electric (6.05-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * QA upload
      * Use dpatch for patch management
      * debhelper compatibility level 6: use in debian/rules as package tree
        debian/electric instead of debian/tmp
      * debian/rules: do not ignore errors of make clean 
      * renamed debian/electric.copyright to debian/copyright, change "Authors(s)"
        to "Author".
      * renamed debian/electric/menu to debianmenu, changed menu section to
        Applications/Science/Engineering, quote strings.
      * src/vhdl/vhdlparser.c: fix bug concerning display of numbers in error
        messages. Patch contributed by Ian Jackson (thanks!) (Closes: Bug#156613).
      * src/graph/graphqt.cpp and src/graph/graphunixx11.c: call sensible-browser
        instad of netscape. Add dependency on www-browser (Closes: Bug#140058).
      * Add electric.desktop file contributed by Vassilis Pandis  (thanks!)
        (Closes: Bug#367242).
      * Renamed debian/electric.dirs to debian/dirs,
        added /usr/share/{pixmaps,applicatins}.
      * Install electric icon (taken from Ubuntu patch).
      * Fix some nroff errors in manpage, patch by Nicolas François (thanks!)
        (Closes: Bug#349892).
    electric (6.05-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * lesstif1 is deprecated, transition to lesstif2 (Closes: #374242)
      * Fixed copyright to point to GPL license to fix lintian error
    electric (6.05-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Orphaning this package, setting maintainer to QA.
    electric (6.05-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * New maintainer. (closes: #277731)
    electric (6.05-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * new upstream release
      * added menu hints (closes: #128765)
      * changed doc-base to go into Technical section per menu-policy
    electric (6.03-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Upgraded standards conformance to
    electric (6.03-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Moved documentation to /usr/share/doc (closes: Bug#94788) 
    electric (6.03-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream sources. 
    electric (6.02.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstrem sources.
      * Restructured package
    electric (6.00-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added upstream-provided man page
    electric (6.00-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial Release. (closes: Bug#76824, Bug#76825)
      * Modified and src/include/config.h to bring package into
        into compliance with Debian standards.
      * Modified src/usr/usrcomek.c to specify the location of the documentation
        directory (/usr/share/doc/electric/html)
     -- Onkar Shinde <email address hidden>   Sat,  25 Oct 2008 16:36:37 +0100
  • electric (8.07-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * New Upstream version. Please check changelog for details. (LP: #242720)
      * debian/control
        - Add build dependencies *-jdk, cdbs and bsh.
        - Remove build dependency dpatch. We will be using CDBS simple patchsys.
        - Refreshed runtime dependencies to default-jre | java2-runtime and bsh.
        - Added home page field.
        - Standard version 3.8.0.
        - Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
        - Changed email address for original maintainer to indicate who has
          refreshed the packaging.
      * debian/rules
        - Revamped to use cdbs.
        - Added get-orig-source target.
      * debian/patches
        - 00list, 02_sensible-browser.dpatch, 01_errors-numbers.dpatch,
          03_manpage.dpatch - Deleted, not relevant anymore.
        - 01_fix_build_xml.patch - Patch to fix the build.xml.
      * debian/
        - File to set various compilation properties.
      * debian/electric.1
        - Remove the entry that causes lintian warning.
      * debian/electric.desktop
        - Change as suggested by desktop-file-validate.
      * debian/
        - Updated as per changes in file names.
      * debian/electric.svg
        - Name changed from electric_icon.svg.
      * debian/install
        - Added appropriate locations for jar file, desktop file and wrapper shell
      * debian/README.source
        - Added to comply with standards version 3.8.0.
      * debian/TODO.Debian
        - Name changed form TODO.
      * debain/wrapper/electric
        - Wrapper shell script to launch the application.
      * debian/manpages
        - Added for installation of manpage.
      * debian/watch
        - Updated to match jar files instead of older tar.gz files.
      * debian/dirs
        - Removed, not needed anymore.
      * debian/{electric.doc-base, electric.examples, substvars}
        - Removed, not relevant anymore.
      * debian/*.debhelper
        - Removed auto generated files. Not relevant anymore.
     -- Onkar Shinde <email address hidden>   Wed, 23 Jul 2008 02:09:53 +0530
  • electric (6.05-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * QA upload
      * Use dpatch for patch management
      * debhelper compatibility level 6: use in debian/rules as package tree
        debian/electric instead of debian/tmp
      * debian/rules: do not ignore errors of make clean 
      * renamed debian/electric.copyright to debian/copyright, change "Authors(s)"
        to "Author".
      * renamed debian/electric/menu to debianmenu, changed menu section to
        Applications/Science/Engineering, quote strings.
      * src/vhdl/vhdlparser.c: fix bug concerning display of numbers in error
        messages. Patch contributed by Ian Jackson (thanks!) (Closes: Bug#156613).
      * src/graph/graphqt.cpp and src/graph/graphunixx11.c: call sensible-browser
        instad of netscape. Add dependency on www-browser (Closes: Bug#140058).
      * Add electric.desktop file contributed by Vassilis Pandis  (thanks!)
        (Closes: Bug#367242).
      * Renamed debian/electric.dirs to debian/dirs,
        added /usr/share/{pixmaps,applicatins}.
      * Install electric icon (taken from Ubuntu patch).
      * Fix some nroff errors in manpage, patch by Nicolas François (thanks!)
        (Closes: Bug#349892).
     -- Stephan Hermann <email address hidden>   Wed,  23 Jan 2008 16:46:55 +0000