geki2 (2.0.3-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Moved packaging to the Debian Games Team.
geki2 (2.0.3-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Use quilt for patch management.
* debian/control:
+ Set policy to 3.7.2.
+ Build-depend on quilt.
* debian/patches/000_install_paths.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- fix shared data path.
* debian/patches/010_rebootstrap.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- rebootstrap directory.
* debian/patches/020_shot_keys.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- add Space as a shooting key.
* debian/patches/020_score_path.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- fix score file path.
* debian/patches/020_scanf.diff:
+ New patch -- fix scanf formats for non-x86 archs.
* debian/patches/020_headers.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- fix compilation warnings by adding missing
* debian/patches/020_game.diff:
+ Patch from old diff -- miscellaneous fixes for gameplay inconsistencies.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:06:41 +0100