unison (2.13.16-9) unstable; urgency=low
* Use a correct way to test thing in shell (Closes: #443715)
unison (2.13.16-8) unstable; urgency=low
* Change section from net to utils
* Tighten build-dependency on lablgtk2 and librsvg2
* Rework description of the package
unison (2.13.16-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Upgrade debian/watch version to 3,
* Upgrade debhelper debian/compat to 5,
* Use CDBS for debian/rules,
* Add debian/unison-gtk.desktop.in (Closes: #387666, #422495),
* Add a note in README.Debian about removable media
* Change my email address to <email address hidden>,
* Change email address to <email address hidden> everywhere
* Rebuild for ocaml 3.10.0
* Add icons for unison-gtk
* Use ocamlopt.opt when possible
* Provide a link from unison to unison-2.13 to work with
"addversionno = true" (Closes: #368418, #392099)
* Apply patche 01gtkfont to stop trying to use deprecated
font setting, thanks to Norman Ramsey (Closes: #372545)
* Add a note on what unison-latest-stable is supposed to do in
README.Debian (Closes: #361900), in the same time explain failure
when trying to upgrade with update-alternatives (Closes: #335413)
* unison-gtk is now an alternative to unison (Closes: #411297)
* change stable release codename to Etch in README.Debian
(Closes: #394738)
-- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden> Mon, 29 Oct 2007 13:51:47 +0000