libintl-perl (1.26-3build2) jammy; urgency=medium
* No-change rebuild for the perl update.
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Sun, 06 Feb 2022 13:44:18 +0100
libintl-perl (1.26-3build1) impish; urgency=medium
* No-change rebuild to build packages with zstd compression.
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Thu, 07 Oct 2021 12:16:11 +0200
libintl-perl (1.26-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Take over for the Debian Perl Group; Closes: #945988 -- RFA/ITA
* debian/control: Added: Vcs-Git field (source stanza); Vcs-Browser
field (source stanza). Changed: Homepage field changed to
metacpan.org URL; Maintainer set to Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-
<email address hidden>> (was: Peter Eisentraut
<email address hidden>); Uploaders set to Ken Ibbotson <email address hidden>
(was: Peter Eisentraut <email address hidden>)
* debian/watch: use metacpan-based URL.
* debian/copyright: convert to format 1.0
* debian/gbp.conf: added to simplify future imports
* Update standards version through 4.5.1
* debian/rules: convert to use default debhelper build.
* Update debhelper-compat level through 13
* debian/rules: add build hardening as all.
* debian/changelog: lintian corrections for version sequence.
* Raise CPAN RT patch bugs to handle spelling and POD markup
* debian/libintl-xs-perl.lintian-overrides: removed as unused.
* debian/rules: remove export of PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT as set by the
debhelper perl makemaker library.
* debian/clean: clean direectories between builds.
* debian/rules: override dh_install between arch and non-arch specific.
* debian/tests/: add files to make autopkgtests work - thanks to
Gregor Herrmann.
* debiab/rules: add override to correct shebang from /usr/local/bin/perl
to /usr/bin/perl.
* debian/control: remove 'dpkg-dev'
* debian/patches: passed patches upstream: 'pod.patch', 'spelling.patch'
and 'dot-inc.patch'.
* debian/control: update short description for XS package, though not
enough space to make distinct other than adding 'XS ' to the front.
* debian/libintl-perl.lintian-overrides: override the Lintian warning
for 'national-encoding' as the file 'ar.po' can not be converted to
UTF-8 via 'iconv'
-- Ken Ibbotson <email address hidden> Sun, 03 Jan 2021 11:26:12 +1030