Change logs for devede source package in Jaunty

  • devede (3.12c-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #321733)
     -- Nathan Handler <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:28:54 -0600
  • devede (3.11-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #260994)
        - Now recovers the menu options when loading a disc structure
        - Changed the appearance to make it more eye-candy
        - Shows the menu's NTSC preview at the right size
        - Shows right the menu's title tipography
        - Added compatibility with GenISOimage
        - Better code to avoid antialiasing when creating the
          menu entries
        - Now limits the number of files to 61 to avoid problems
          with DVDAuthor
      * debian/rules:
        - Improve get-orig-source adding a VERSION var
     -- Pedro Fragoso <email address hidden>   Mon, 25 Aug 2008 16:04:18 +0100