Change logs for device-tree-compiler source package in Jaunty

  • device-tree-compiler (1.1.0.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * Fix lintian warning "copyright-without-copyright-notice".
        + Update debian/copyright.
    device-tree-compiler (1.0.0.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #438479)
        + Fix missing /chosen node, as it has been removed from DTS.
          (Closes: #436234)
      * Remove ftdump from the upstream tarball.
        + This file has no license notice.
        + Fix conflict with the freetype2-demos package. (Closes: #434890)
        + David Gibson told me that he would not bother even installing
          ftdump. It was meant to be a debugging tool, dumping a blob
          back into text format, but it never got very far and he has
          been meaning to get rid of it.
      * Update tests/dumptrees.c in the upstream tarball with GIT commit
        + Fix missing copyright and license notices.
      * Update debian/copyright.
        + Mention dual GPLv2+/BSD licensing of libfdt.
        + Add Jon Loeliger as an upstream author.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3.
      * Add the Homepage field and remove it from the long description.
      * Add the Vcs-Git/Vcs-Browser fields.
      * Add the XS-DM-Upload-Allowed field.
      * Rewrite short and long descriptions in debian/control.
      * Rewrite debian/rules to handle the noopt build option.
      * Write and add a manpage for dtc.
      * Add documentation under /usr/share/doc/device-tree-compiler/.
        + Add Build-Depends on texlive and texlive-latex-extra.
        + Add debian/doc-base.dtc-manual and debian/doc-base.dtc-paper.
        + Create a Makefile to build dtc-paper.tex.
          - Add quilt support to build system.
          - Add 01_build_doc.diff.
        + Update debian/rules to prepare documentation.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  02 May 2008 01:55:56 +0100