libcanberra (0.11-1ubuntu5) jaunty; urgency=low
* debian/control: Add conflicts/replaces against libcanberra-gnome for the
gnome-session-canberra package. (LP: #332842)
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Apr 2009 08:45:36 +1100
libcanberra (0.11-1ubuntu4) jaunty; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- make gnome-session-canberra depend on a current libcanberra-gtk0
so that we ensure libcanberra-gnome gets removed before
the new gnome-session-canberra gets installed (LP: #346903)
-- Michael Vogt <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:12:07 +0100
libcanberra (0.11-1ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
* Set the Ubuntu sound theme as the default, using the gconf defaults
mechanism. (LP: #347537)
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:10:54 +1100
libcanberra (0.11-1ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- Let libcanberra-gtk0 conflicts/replaces libcanberra-gnome
(<< 0.10-1) to allow a clean upgrade from Intrepid.
This was unintentionally dropped at the last merge.
(LP: #302251)
-- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Sun, 22 Feb 2009 17:06:32 +0000
libcanberra (0.11-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge changes from debian's git branch, remaining ubuntu changes:
- Let libcanberra-gtk0(-dbg) conflicts/replaces libcanberra-gnome(-dbg)
(<< 0.10-1) to allow a clean upgrade from Intrepid
- Use the Ubuntu sound theme as the default and fallback theme
- Update libltdl build dependency
- Build against pulseaudio.
* Drop the following patches, since we have libtool 2.2:
- 0001-bootstrap-fix-required-automake-version.patch
- 0002-map-Don-t-export-libtool-symbols.patch
- 0003-autofoo.patch
libcanberra (0.11-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* New Upstream Version
* libcanberra0.install:
+ modules are now installed under /usr/lib/libcanberra-0.11
* Do not ship static libraries in *-dev anymore.
* Move "canberra-gtk-play" from libcanberra-gtk-dev to libcanberra-gtk0.
* Add gnome-session-canberra to play log in/out events.
* Add 52libcanberra-gtk-module_add-to-gtk-modules to /etc/X11/Xsession.d to load
the GTK module.
* Add tdb-dev dependency (for themed file lookup caching)
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:24:51 +1100
libcanberra (0.10-1ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
* Let libcanberra-gtk0(-dbg) conflicts/replaces libcanberra-gnome(-dbg)
(<< 0.10-1) to allow a clean upgrade from Intrepid (LP: #302251).
-- Luca Falavigna <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Nov 2008 20:02:28 +0100
libcanberra (0.10-1ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
* Ship the libcanberra-pulse.so in the libcanberra0 package.
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Thu, 27 Nov 2008 04:23:30 +1100
libcanberra (0.10-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian experimental, Remaining changes:
- Use the Ubuntu sound theme as the default and fallback theme.
- Update libltdl build dependency.
* Build-depend on quilt.
* Build against pulseaudio.
libcanberra (0.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New Upstream Version
* Move "canberra-gtk-play" from libcanberra-gtk-dev in libcanberra-gtk0.
* Add gnome-session-canberra to play log in/out events.
* Add 52libcanberra-gtk-module_add-to-gtk-modules to /etc/X11/Xsession.d to load
the GTK module.
* 0001-Remove-debug-warning-about-GtkSettings-from-2.13.4.patch,
+ do not depends on GTK 2.13.4 yet
+ remove debug message about that from canberra-gtk-module
* Add tdb-dev dependency, for lookup caching.
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:49:10 +1100
libcanberra (0.6-0ubuntu3) intrepid; urgency=low
* debian/patches/use-ubuntu-theme.patch: Use the ubuntu theme as the
default and fallback desktop theme, since the freedesktop theme is not
in the archive.
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Fri, 10 Oct 2008 14:03:05 +1100