Change logs for libmsn source package in Jaunty

  • libmsn (4.0~beta6-1~jaunty1) jaunty-backports; urgency=low
      * Automated backport upload; no source changes.
    libmsn (4.0~beta6-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream beta release
      * Remove patch for buffer overflow, as it is now included upstream.
      * Remove build-dependency on quilt, as it is no longer needed because
        there are no patches to be applied.
      * Bump shlibs due to bugfix in MSNClientInformationFields enum
    libmsn (4.0~beta5-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream beta release
      * Move the -dbg package to the debug section
      * Add patch from Ubuntu to fix potential buffer overflow
        ( 02-avoid_potential_buffer_overrun.diff , LP 308060 )
      * Add build-dependency on quilt, for the patch above
      * Bump standards to 3.8.1 (no changes needed)
      * Bump shlibs dependency to beta5, as this is the first version without
        the potential buffer overflow
    libmsn (4.0~beta4-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream beta release
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Backport <email address hidden>   Thu, 09 Jul 2009 12:24:18 +0100
  • libmsn (4.0~beta4-0ubuntu4) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Update 02-avoid_potential_buffer_overrun.diff with more correct
        correct version, thanks to Aurélien Gâteau (LP: #308060).
     -- Kees Cook <email address hidden>   Fri, 27 Mar 2009 16:23:21 -0700
  • libmsn (4.0~beta4-0ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Add 02-avoid_potential_buffer_overrun.diff from Aurélien Gâteau
        Closes LP: #308060
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Fri, 27 Mar 2009 12:38:50 +0000
  • libmsn (4.0~beta4-0ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Add quilt support.
      * Add 01-receive_wlm2009_avatars.diff, this patch allow the user to receive
        files and avatars from user's contacts that use WLM 2009.
     -- Devid Antonio Filoni <email address hidden>   Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:07:52 +0100
  • libmsn (4.0~beta4-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Thu, 29 Jan 2009 16:49:11 +0000
  • libmsn (4.0~beta3-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Fri, 16 Jan 2009 14:26:47 +0000
  • libmsn (4.0~beta1svn77-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * New upstream snapshot
      * Includes openSSL licence exception
      * Remove win32 directory, possible non-preferred modifiable form files
    libmsn (4.0~beta1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial release (Closes: #505795)
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Wed, 10 Dec 2008 20:20:14 +0000