Change logs for mono source package in Jaunty

  • mono (2.0.1-4ubuntu0.1) jaunty-security; urgency=low
      * SECURITY UPDATE: XMLDsig HMAC-based signatures spoofing and
        authentication bypass (LP: #409920)
        - debian/patches/security_CVE-2009-0217.dpatch: Fix HMACOutputLength to
          match XMLDSIG erratum and add stricter checks.
        - CVE-2009-0217
     -- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden>   Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:01:58 -0400
  • mono (2.0.1-4) experimental; urgency=low
      * debian/rules:
        + Pass internal-mono instead of --internal-mono if the debhelper version
          is older than 7.1, as that one doesn't support custom parameters via
          init(). This ensures backwards compatibility with older debhelper
          versions, as found in Ubuntu.
      * debian/control:
        + Lowered debhelper build-dep to >= 5.
      * debian/dh_clideps
        + Re-synced from cli-common 0.6.0, needed for dh 7.0 backwards
    mono (2.0.1-3) experimental; urgency=low
      * Rebuilt against libc6 and glib from unstable.
    mono (2.0.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
      [ Jo Shields ]
      * debian/patches/fix_wsdl2_duplicate_keys_r117243.dpatch:
        + Fix bug in wsdl2 preventing parsing of Amazon Web Services 
          wsdl file (thanks to Iain Lane <email address hidden> for help
          isolating this bug)
      * debian/patches/fix_NetworkInterface_exception_r120282.dpatch:
        + Warn, rather than fail, on "funny" network interfaces
          (Closes: #507297)
      [ Mirco Bauer ]
      * debian/mono-1.0-devel.{postinst,prerm}
        + Moved update-alternatives calls to mono-devel.{postinst,prerm}.
      * debian/mono.links
        + Removed, those are just left-overs.
      * debian/mono-jit.postinst:
        + Lowered alternative priority to 10 like all other alternative we install.
      * debian/control:
        + Moved cli-* Provides from mono-1.0-devel, mono-mcs and mono-gmcs to
          mono-devel, as thats where the cli-* alternatives now lives.
        + Added many strong versioned binary dependencies to mono-devel as hack
          to make experimental buildds happy, else everything needing
          mono-devel >= 2.0 will FTBFS in experimental (e.g. KDE4).
          (thanks goes to Modestas Vainius for the investigation)
        + Made dependency on libmono0, libmono-corlib2.0-cil and
          libmono-corlib1.0-cil strong for mono-utils to ensure that the correct
          versions are pulled in (else we might confuse APT or funny buildds).
        + Bumped debhelper build-dep to >= 7.1, as needed for the bundled
          debian/dh_* scripts.
      * debian/dh_clideps
        + Synced from cli-common 0.6.0, needed for dh 7.1 support.
       [ David Paleino ]
       * debian/patches/fix_TcpClient_IPv6_r122598.dpatch:
         + Fix bug in TcpClient() implementation preventing IPv6 connections
           from working
    mono (2.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
      [ Mirco Bauer ]
      * New upstream (bugfix) release.
      * debian/mono-1.0-devel.manpages:
        + Removed mcs1 as it's already shipped in mono-mcs.
      * debian/patches/99_autoreconf.dpatch:
        + Updated
      * debian/mono-devel.links:
        + Make csc a symlink to gmcs, a runtime version neutral default
      * debian/patches/armel_fix_configure_fpu_check.dpatch:
        + Forward ported patch from 1.2.4 to fix FTBFS on linux/armel.
      * debian/patches/99_autoreconf.dpatch:
        + Updated
      * debian/mono-common.install:
        + Name the /etc files and directories explicitly to make sure not to
          install /etc/mconfig by accident when doing a binary-indep binary-arch
          (in that order) build.
      [ Jo Shields ]
      * debian/patches/armel-glibc-2.8.dpatch:
        + Fix build failure on armel architecture on libc6 2.8 (Thanks
          to Michael Casadevall <email address hidden> for the patch)
      [ David Paleino ]
      * Group Policy:
        + implemented get-orig-source target in debian/rules
     -- directhex <email address hidden>   Wed,  11 Feb 2009 12:45:56 +0000
  • mono (2.0.1-0ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Rebuild for gnome-sharp2 transition (LP: #314516)
     -- Stefan Ebner <email address hidden>   Tue, 06 Jan 2009 22:07:16 +0100
  • mono (2.0.1-0ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Tagging pkg-mono SVN revision 3798 as a 0ubuntu2 package, to help
        accelerate the pure 2.0 applications package transition
        + Include a get-orig-source rule
        + Fix FTBFS on armel caused by lack of ARM_FPU_$fpu definition
          (LP: #301232)
     -- Jo Shields <email address hidden>   Sun, 23 Nov 2008 15:54:28 +0000
  • mono (2.0.1-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Tagging pkg-mono SVN revision 3774 as a 0ubuntu1 package, to help
        accelerate the pure 2.0 applications package transition
    mono (2.0.1-1~pre2) experimental; urgency=low
      [ Jo Shields ]
      * debian/patches/armel-glibc-2.8.dpatch:
        + Fix build failure on armel architecture on libc6 2.8 (Thanks
          to Michael Casadevall <email address hidden> for the patch)
      [ Mirco Bauer ]
      * New upstream (bugfix) release.
      * debian/mono-1.0-devel.manpages:
        + Removed mcs1 as it's already shipped in mono-mcs.
      * debian/patches/99_autoreconf.dpatch:
        + Updated
      * debian/mono-devel.links:
        + Make csc a symlink to gmcs, a runtime version neutral default
    mono (2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
        + System.Web.Extensions is included in the debian source and binary
          packages now, as JSON.NET was relicensed to MIT/X11 and thus no DFSGing
          needed anymore! (Closes: #497213)
        + With this release, we changed the default development stack from 1.0 to
          2.0. This has no influence to the runtime nor existing binary packages,
          for more details see:

      * debian/copyright:
        + Updated license info of JSON.NET
      * debian/control:
        + Removed libgda2-dev from buid-deps as debian/
          takes already care of it.
        + mono-utils depends on libmono-corlib2.0-cil and only suggests
          libmono-corlib1.0-cil now as the default runtime was changed to 2.0.
        + Updated libcupsys2-dev build-dependency to libcups2-dev.
        + Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes needed).
      * debian/rules:
        + Pass --enable-quiet-build=no to configure call, else we get a less
          verbose build log.
        + Bumped clilibs to 2.0 of libmono{1,2}.0-cil, libmono-cairo{1,2}.0-cil,
          libmono-data-tds{1,2}.0-cil, libmono-system2.0-cil,
          libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil, libmono-security{1,2}.0-cil,
          libmono-web2.0-cil, libmono-winforms2.0-cil and libmono-system2.1-cil.
      * debian/mono.runtime-script:
        + Call the script of gacutil instead of passing the application filename
          directly to mono, as we rely on the default gacutil now provided by the
          mono-gac package.
      * debian/patches/method-signature-testing.dpatch
        + Removed, already applied upstream.
      * debian/patches/dont_build_System.Web.Extensions.dpatch:
        + Disabled, JSON.NET was re-licensed to MIT/X11.
      * debian/libmono-system-web2.0-cil.install:
        + Added System.Web.Extensions.dll and System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll.
      * debian/
        + Fixed grep calls so it doesn't match udeb lines.
      * debian/shlibs.local:
        + Updated
      * debian/control
        + Renamed libmono-mozilla0.2-cil to libmono-webbrowser0.5-cil and
          removed Replaces.
      * debian/control
        + Moved the Mono.Posix, Mono.GetOptions and Mono.Data.* libraries into
          extra packages to support smaller install sizes of typical applications
          (e.g. tomboy or gnome-do).
        + Added libmono-posix{1,2}.0-cil, libmono-getoptions{1,2}.0-cil and
          libmono-data{1,2}.0-cil as dependency of libmono{1,2}-cil to aid a smooth
          runtime transition.
      * debian/libmono-system-data2.0-cil.install:
        + Added System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll and System.Data.Linq.dll.
      * debian/rules
        + Dropped Mono.Security.Win32.dll as the library is only useful on
      * debian/patches/build_genxs_2.0.dpatch:
        + Enables compiling genxs for CLI 2.0 as upstream provided a genxs2 script
          but forgot to build the actual application.
      * debian/mono-2.0-devel.install
        + Added xsd2 and genxs2
      * debian/mono-devel.install
        + Moved all unversioned tools and default scripts (with their manpages) to
      * debian/mono-mcs.install
        + Moved gmcs script and manpage from mono-gmcs to mono-devel.
        + Added Replaces for mono-mcs and mono-gmcs to mono-devel.
        + Added gmcs2 script and manpage to mono-gmcs
        + Added mcs1 script and manpage to mono-mcs.
          This changes are needed to get a default compiler target using a single
          package that depends on the current default which is 2.0 (gmcs2).
      * debian/System.Windows.Forms.dll.config:
        + Added dll-map for
      * debian/control:
        + Improved many package descriptions by adding the names of the
          libraries they contain with a brief description of what they do.
      * debian/control
        + The default script "gacutil" is still shipped in mono-gac but
          "gacutil1" and "gacutil2" are now in mono-1.0-gac and mono-2.0-gac.
          mono-gac pulls in mono-2.0-gac by default.
          This is needed to make a 2.0-only install possible.
      * debian/control:
        + Added mono-1.0-runtime and mono-2.0-runtime package, which pull in the
          runtime stack of the specific runtime version in.
          mono-runtime pulls in mono-2.0-runtime as the new default runtime.
          This is needed to make a 2.0-only install possible.
      * debian/libmono-dev.install:
        + Added dotnet35.pc
      * debian/mono-smcs.install:
        + Added smcs.pc
      * debian/control:
        + s/meta package/metapackage/ as lintian says so.
     -- Jo Shields <email address hidden>   Wed, 19 Nov 2008 23:32:28 +0000
  • mono (1.9.1+dfsg-4ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Added debian/patches/armel-glibc-2.8.dpatch
        - This patch corrects a headers issue with glibc 2.8 on the ARM architecture
          by preventing headers from being included within a function.
     -- Michael Casadevall <email address hidden>   Tue, 18 Nov 2008 21:04:01 -0500
  • mono (1.9.1+dfsg-4ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low
      * mono-dbg: Drop Recommends of mono-debugger to Suggests, it and its
        dependencies are in universe.
     -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:25:59 +0200