mscore (0.9.4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
+ http://www.musescore.org/en/blog/2009/02/06/new-features-musescore-094
* Re-pack orig tarball to remove rtf2html binary.
* debian/patches:
+ 05-use-mscore-common-files:
- fix rejected hunks;
- use lighter foreground score image (paper4.png).
+ 10-disable-awl: fix rejected hunks.
+ 11-install-manual:
- fix rejected hunks;
- patch mscore.cpp to not display local help option;
- manual/handbook PDFs not in this checkout, so add option
to not install.
+ 12-debianise-about-box.dpatch:
- add info pertaining to Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions to about box.
* debian/copyright:
+ add information about paper[45].png;
+ add information about osdabzip, rtf2html;
+ update dates.
* debian/control:
+ add Vcs-Bzr field;
+ update Standards-Version.
* debian/rules:
+ add update-to-svn and build-svn rules;
+ reflect removal of rtf2html binary in get-orig-source.
-- Toby Smithe <email address hidden> Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:10:37 +0000
mscore (0.9.3+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
+ Many bugs, crashes fixed.
+ Better MusicXML support, new compressed file format (.mscz).
+ Ability to use plugins with access to whole Qt library.
+ Glissando, tremolo support.
* debian/control: Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
* debian/control: Update Homepage to musescore.org.
* debian/patches:
+ 10-disable-awl: Disable awl plugin to ease shlib issues.
+ 09-disable-building-qtscript: Until Qt4.5, disable the Qt
scripting interface (otherwise
results in shlib errors).
+ 01-use-global-fluidsynth: Disabled until vibrato problems fixed;
link statically against local copy instead.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:42:00 +0000
mscore (0.9.2+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Patches modified:
+ 08-disable-multiple-jobs:
The usage of multiple jobs is not very well supported by upstream's
build system. Therefore, multiple jobs are disabled completely for
now. Thanks a lot to Thiemo Seufer for debugging this on MIPS.
Closes: #487548
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 24 Jun 2008 13:49:02 +0100