Change logs for suitesparse-metis source package in Jaunty

  • suitesparse-metis (3.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * Install every provided library ChangeLog as LIB_ChangeLog to be able to
        keep track of every change explained there by mainstream developers.
      * debian/*-*_Lib_{GNUm,M}akefile.dpatch: Changed all dpatches to set the
        soname of the shared libraries to lib*.so.3.1.0. This will avoid
        problems with the future releases of the package. 
        Thanks to Rafael Laboissiere for this change which was previously applied
        in the suitesparse package. Also thanks to Adam C. Powell IV for the 
        soname numbers suggestions.
      * debian/libsuitesparse.overrides: Adjusted according to the new sonames.
      * debian/control: (thanks to Rafael Laboissiere)
        + Switch from g77 to gfortran, adjusting all dependencies on the
          appropriate versions of the blas, atlas and lapack packages.  Thanks
          to Kumar Appaiah for the bug (closes: #463944).	
        + Drop the Conflicts/Replaces/Provides relationships for the
          libsuitesparse-3.0.1 package.  This was needed for the
          previous libsuitesparse package and is not necessary anymore.
        + Changed the deprecated Source-Version substvar by the recommended
          binary:Version, which has to be used instead of source:Version,
          otherwise the package will not be binNMUable
        + Use the Vcs-* headers instead of the deprecated XS-Vcs-* ones
        + Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3
    suitesparse-metis (3.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
      [Christophe Prud'homme ]
      * debian/control: libsuitesparse-metis-dev conflicts/replaces/provides
        with libumfpack4-dev
      * debian/control: added Homepage field
    suitesparse-metis (3.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [Christophe Prud'homme ]
      * debian/control: Conflicts with and Replaces libumfpack4, Provides
      [Daniel Rus Morales]
      * Fixed patches to compile LDL with -fPIC 
    suitesparse-metis (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [Daniel Rus Morales]
      * Initial Release of suitesparse with metis support
      * Fixed some lintian errors/warnings
      [ Christophe Prud'homme ]
      * debian/control: added libsuitesparse to Provides
      * Uploaded to contrib
      * Fixed some lintian errors/warnings
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Thu,  26 Jun 2008 09:53:33 +0100