Change logs for codeblocks source package in Karmic

  • codeblocks (8.02-0ubuntu4) karmic; urgency=low
      [ Felix Geyer ]
      * Fix FTBFS with gcc 4.4 and glib 2.21 (LP: #428875)
        - Add debian/patches/02_ftbfs_gcc44.dpatch
        - Add debian/patches/03_ftbfs_glib221.dpatch
      [ Andrew Starr-Bochicchio ]
      * debian/rules: Drop depricated dh_desktop call.
      * debian/control:
       - Add ${misc:Depends} as we use debhelper.
       - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed.
       - Move codeblocks-dbg to Section: debug
      * Add README.source pointing to dpatch documentation.
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Sun, 13 Sep 2009 14:18:13 -0400
  • codeblocks (8.02-0ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
      * debian/control: Add recommends on xterm. Codeblocks seems to use xterm to
        launch programs; this failed if xterm was not present. (LP: #355524)
     -- David Cordero <email address hidden>   Wed, 08 Apr 2009 17:51:47 +0200