Change logs for gnome-python-extras source package in Karmic
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-3ubuntu1.9.10.1) karmic-security; urgency=low * Transition for xulrunner 1.9.2 - see USN-930 * Automatically add correct xulrunner binary depends: - debian/rules: Call dh_xulrunner * Ensure that the 1.9.2 GRE is loaded - Update debian/patches/02_xul19.patch * Update build-depends to pull in the correct xulrunner version - update debian/control -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:17:55 +0100
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-3ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low * Re-base on Debian unstable, remaining changes: - debian/ + build-dep on python-all-dbg for debug packages python-gnome2-dev (>= 2.22.3-0ubuntu3), xvfb and libgl1-mesa-dri. + build-dep on xulrunner-1.9.1 + bump libgdl-1-dev build-dep to >= 2.28.0 + add python-gnome2-extras-dbg package + add Vcs-Bzr tag + Keep the python-gnome2-extras package around, as it is too late in the Karmic cycle to be removing it. + re-generate debian/control - adapt python-gda.install, python-gtkhtml2.install, python-gtkspell.install, python-gtkmozembed.install, python-gdl.install, python-gksu2.install and python-eggtrayicon.install to python 2.6 new package layout - debian/rules: + dbg-* targets and trick + move dh_pysupport call and use xvfb - debian/pyversions: 2.5 for new package layout - debian/patches/ + 01_xul19.patch: add AC_PROG_CXX because you can't push C++ tests before detecting it (thanks Keybuk) + Re-generate debian/patches/70_autotools.patch + 04_use_PYTHON-config_check.patch: use python-config. + 05_fix_gdl_build.patch: ix to build with gdl in the archive, patch taken from * This enables the pygda module (LP: #406077) -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Tue, 29 Sep 2009 01:12:08 +0100
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-2ubuntu3) karmic; urgency=low * debian/ bump gdl requirements to 2.28.0. -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden> Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:31:54 +0200
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-2ubuntu2.0xul191) karmic; urgency=low * xulrunner-1.9.1 by default transition + see: - bump minimal xulrunner-dev version -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden> Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:48:25 +0200
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-2ubuntu2) karmic; urgency=low * debian/patches/05_fix_gdl_build.patch - fix to build with gdl in the archive, patch taken from -- Andreas Moog <email address hidden> Thu, 25 Jun 2009 01:40:01 +0200
gnome-python-extras (2.25.3-2ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes: (LP: #375355) - debian/ (LP: #338152) + build-dep on python-all-dbg for debug packages python-gnome2-dev (>= 2.22.3-0ubuntu3), xvfb and libgl1-mesa-dri. + add python-gnome2-extras-dbg package + add Vcs-Bzr tag + re-generate debian/control - adapt python-gnome2-extras.install, python-gtkhtml2.install, python-gtkspell.install, python-gtkmozembed.install, python-gdl.install, python-gksu2.install and python-eggtrayicon.install to python 2.6 new package layout - debian/patches/ + 01_xul19.patch: add AC_PROG_CXX because you can't push C++ tests before detecting it (thanks Keybuk) + 01_use_PYTHON-config_check.dpatch converted to debian/patches/04_use_PYTHON-config_check.patch + Re-generate debian/patches/70_autotools.patch - debian/rules: + dbg-* targets and trick + move dh_pysupport call and use xvfb - debian/pyversions: 2.5 for new package layout * Remove python-gnome-gtkhtml-dbg package and merge its content into python-gnome2-extras-dbg -- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Thu, 14 May 2009 11:23:17 +0200
gnome-python-extras (2.19.1-0ubuntu14) jaunty; urgency=low * Build for python2.6. -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:11:44 +0000