human-icon-theme (0.35) karmic; urgency=low
* Adding presence icons: -available, -away, -busy, -invisible and -offline
(LP: #427926)
-- Kenneth Wimer <email address hidden> Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:07:24 +0200
human-icon-theme (0.34) karmic; urgency=low
[ Kenneth Wimer ]
* New release (LP: #411395)
* Fixing mistaken index changes for fallback icons
[ Daniel Holbach ]
* debian/control: bump Standards-Version, no changes.
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa7) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding xdg user dir icons at 16, 24, 48, and scalable to fix lp: #126103
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa6) jaunty; urgency=low
* Removing private icon design from open package
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa5) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding svg and png for unr-applications-education
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa4) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding new icon for touchscreen calibration, sysaptic and update manager
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa3) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding gnome-display-properties in most sizes
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa2) jaunty; urgency=low
* Changing fallback from Tangerine to Humanity to fix UNR bugs shortly before release.
human-icon-theme (0.33.9~ppa1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding unr-preferences-system category icon in svg and 48x48 png
human-icon-theme (0.33.8) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding category icons for UNR at both 48x48px as well as svgs
human-icon-theme (0.33.7) jaunty; urgency=low
* Moving entries around in index.theme and including new 16x16 gtk-close icons to fix LP: #385903
* Adding battery state icons for notify-osd
* Adding larger sized category icons to make UNR look nicer
human-icon-theme (0.33.6ubuntu5) jaunty; urgency=low
* Fixing GSM disconnected icon to fix LP: #369139
human-icon-theme (0.33.6ubuntu4) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding link from notification-gsm-3g-full.svg to nm-device-wwan.svg to fix LP: #362836
human-icon-theme (0.33.6ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
* Adding empty battery status icon for notifications and links to legacy names to fix LP: #361664
-- Kenneth Wimer <email address hidden> Tue, 01 Sep 2009 06:46:21 +0200
human-icon-theme (0.33.6ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=high
* Correcting error in .links file
* Fixing disconnected icon design and names per sabdfl request in order to fix LP: #358526
* Replacing rounded wireless icons with bars to match the above change across all icons
-- Kenneth Wimer <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Apr 2009 15:28:17 +0200