Change logs for raspberrypi-userland source package in Kinetic

  • raspberrypi-userland (0~20220324+gitc4fd1b8-0ubuntu1) kinetic; urgency=medium
      * Bump to current version on RaspiOS Bullseye
      * Fix lintian-overrides to use arch-specific flags, ensuring both the armhf
        and arm64 versions can be simultaneously installed (LP: #1973285)
      * Fix Multi-Arch spec on libraspberrypi-bin and libraspberrypi-dev
      * d/libraspberrypi0.symbols.* add Build-Depends-Package
      * Don't embed Vera.ttf in libraspberrypi-dev examples; symlink to the one
        from ttf-bitstream-vera and Suggest: that package instead
      * Ensure examples in libraspberrypi-dev are not compressed
     -- Dave Jones <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 May 2022 14:22:37 +0100
  • raspberrypi-userland (0~20211124+git14b90ff-0ubuntu2) jammy; urgency=medium
      * Fix udev rules for vcio and vchiq (LP: #1958563)
      * Add dma_heap and rpivid rules for better libcamera support
     -- Dave Jones <email address hidden>  Thu, 20 Jan 2022 19:03:13 +0000