Change logs for dahdi-tools source package in Lucid

  • dahdi-tools (1:2.2.1-0ubuntu2) lucid; urgency=low
      * Bug Fix: If linux-headers are not installed, don't block, and print
         information for the user. (LP: #429510, LP: #474350)
         - added debian/dahdi.postinst
         - added --error-handler=init_failed to debian/rules
     -- Jean-Michel Dault <email address hidden>   Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:56:27 -0400
  • dahdi-tools (1:2.2.1-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian pkg-voip.
        * Changes from Debian:
        - debian/control: Change Maintainer
        - debian/control: Removed Uploaders field.
        - debian/control: Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with
            ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr, to reflect divergence in packages.
        - debian/control: Package dahdi Depends on  dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source
      * From Debian pkg-voip:
      [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
      * New upstream release (Closes: #536257, #564381).
      * Patch 'bashism' dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch xpp_no_extra_at dropped: merged upstream.
      * Add an example genconf_parameters.
      * Compat level 7.
      * Bump standars version to (no change needed)
      * Udev rules are now in dahdi-linux.
      * Patches perl_fix_noserial, perl_fix_transportdir: Fixes for some
        minor perl issues.
      * Add the missing ${misc:Depends}, as per lintian.
      * Patch astribank_allow_ignoreend: an extra missing patch from upstream.
      * Patches init_unload_modules and init_unload_oslec: also unload OSLEC
        when unloading all modules.
     -- Jean-Michel Dault <email address hidden>   Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:44:09 -0500
  • dahdi-tools (1:2.2.0-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian pkg-voip (2.2.0 final)
      * Change maintainer and standards version
      * Since the init script needs /dev/dahdi, require either dahdi-dkms or
      * Debian changes
       [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
       * New upstream release.
       * Patch bashism: fixes bashism in waitfor_xpds (Closes: #535865).
       * Patch hardware_rescan: backport Dahdi::Hardware->rescan()
       * Patch no_extra_at: backport of a per/xpp fix.
     -- Jean-Michel Dault <email address hidden>   Tue, 25 Aug 2009 03:55:55 -0400