glest (3.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Paul Wise ]
* debian/rules:
- Drop use of dh_desktop since it no longer does anything and
desktop-file-utils 0.15-2 has a trigger (see #525133).
[ Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals ]
* debian/control:
- Add lpia to the Architecture list.
- Add "${misc:Depends}" to Depends.
* debian/patches/series, debian/patches/missing-cstdio-include:
- Fix a FTBFS which happens with new GCC versions; thanks to
Steven Susbauer (LP: #376591).
[ Eddy Petrișor ]
* enable tutorials by symlinking to the real tutorial directory
(Closes: #528181)
[ Alexander Reichle-Schmehl ]
* Add debian/README.source
-- Siegfried Gevatter <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Feb 2010 00:05:49 +0000