Change logs for lame source package in Lucid

  • lame (3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu3) lucid; urgency=low
      * debian/control: libmp3lame0 Conflicts+Replaces+Provides liblame0
        (LP: #469676)
     -- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden>   Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:24:31 -0500
  • lame (3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu2) karmic; urgency=low
      [ Fabian Greffrath ]
      * Prefer my d-u.o address for "official" packages.
      * Ported from debhelper (>= 7.2) to cdbs.
      * Remove redundant DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR.
      [ Reinhard Tartler ]
      * update debian/changelog
      [ Fabian Greffrath ]
      * Revert "update config.guess and config.sub with more recent
      * debian/copyright: Vastly improved.
      * cosmetic cleanup
      * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.2.
      * Update debian/copyright.
      * Really update debian/changelog.
      [ Reinhard Tartler ]
      * patches taken from the marillat package:
        - fix the ffmpeg 'buffer too small' bug. LP: #401406
        - disable executable stack
        - buggy optimization for single-precision floats when
      * reconvert to dh7
     -- Reinhard Tartler <email address hidden>   Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:35:30 +0200