Change logs for qzion source package in Lucid

  • qzion (0.4.0+lgpl-3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez ]
      * Fix FTFBS with newer cmake. Generate file qzion.pc explicitly
        in the directory where is later read from. Patch fix_dotpc.diff. 
        (Closes: #560559)
      * Bump Standards-Version from 3.8.1 to 3.8.3 (no changes needed).
     -- Michael Bienia <email address hidden>   Mon,  08 Mar 2010 15:59:37 +0000
  • qzion (0.4.0+lgpl-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Upload to unstable. 
    qzion (0.4.0+lgpl-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #526852)
      +++ Changes by Sune Vuorela:
      * Take tarball based off d2045a5c8bdce45d23ece11ceccba7d5aaec7988, as it is 
        0.4.0 + a commit relicensing to lgpl.
      * Update copyright file
      * Bump SONAME, abi has changed. this is krap. Use quilt for patching.
      +++ Changes by Fathi Boudra:
      * Update homepage.
      * Bump Standards-Version from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 (no changes needed).
      +++ Changes by George Kiagiadakis:
      * Switch to cmake. (Closes: #523910)
      * Update installed files.
      * Update compat to 7.
      * Do not build python bindings as they are not needed for kde.
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Tue,  15 Dec 2009 17:21:28 +0000
  • qzion (0.4.0-0ubuntu5) karmic; urgency=low
      * No change rebuild for sip 4.9
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Tue, 13 Oct 2009 23:48:00 +0100