sl-modem (2.9.11~20100303-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/control:
+ Really remove quilt from sl-modem-source's Depends
+ Add execstack to Build-Deps
* debian/rules: Mark slmodemd as not requiring executable stack
(LP: #537650)
sl-modem (2.9.11~20100303-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
+ Fixes NO CARRIER issue with linux kernel >= 2.6.31
* Dropped 2.6.31.diff patch, as it got applied upstream.
* Refreshed debian/sl-modem-source.lintian-overrides
* debian/control: Added DM-Upload-Allowed field.
* Only include modem/modem_defs.h in sl-modem-source
* debian/rules: add -s switch to dh to correctly build on amd64 archs.
sl-modem (2.9.11~20090222-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Rolf Leggewie ]
* debian/control:
- add myself to Uploaders
- update description for sl-modem-daemon package. (LP: #109620)
- request the package to be autobuilt (adjust debian/copyright accordingly)
- drop kernel-package from Recommends, we use dkms
- move linux-headers from Recommends to Depends and make more robust
- stop to provide sl-modem-modules-new which has been unused for years now
* debian/patches: add autoload.diff patch from Ubuntu
(Ubuntu should be able to go back to sync mode now)
[ أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) ]
* debian/control:
- sl-modem-source conflicts with sl-modem-daemon version 2.9.11~20080817
and earlier (LP: #520890)
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
* debian/sl-modem-daemon.init: Fix error message when slamr is not found
(LP: #42991)
* debian/sl-modem-source.postinst: use DKMS-provided logic instead of
maintaining our own (LP: #497149)
sl-modem (2.9.11~20090222-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
* Removed debian/sl-modem-daemon.dirs
* Added debian/sl-modem-daemon.preinst to remove obsolete
sl-modem-daemon.modutils conf file. (from Ubuntu although for a different
* Added debian/sl-modem-daemon.lintian-overrides
* Install sl-modem.conf using dh_installmodules
* debian/ Use 'cd' instead of popd & pushd
* debian/control:
+ s/Alsa/ALSA in extended description.
+ Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.3
* Added 2.6.31.diff patch to fix FTBFS with kernels >= 2.6.31
(Closes: #563823)
* debian/sl-modem-daemon.init:
+ Added $remote_fs to Required-Start & Required-Stop
+ Added sl-modem-daemon to Provides
* debian/NEWS: Use regular paragraphs rather than asterisks.
sl-modem (2.9.11~20090222-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Refreshed patch: 01_Makefile.diff
* Removed patches that were merged upstream: 02_dial_string_size.diff,
03_Makefile_2.6.12.4.diff, 05_st7554_license.diff, README.diff,
06_slmodem-class-simple-to-class-meins.diff, kernel-ver.diff,
fortify_source.diff, class_device.diff
* Remove support for module-assistant
+ debian/rules:
- Remove binary-modules, kdist_clean & kdist_config targets and the
variables/includes associated with them (including AGE, k & SUBLEVEL
- Remove lines that create/install /usr/src/sl-modem.tar.bz2 from
install target.
+ debian/control for sl-modem-source target:
- Remove module-assistant, debhelper, bzip2, quilt from Depends field.
- Remove mention of module-assistant from extended description.
- Added: Provides: sl-modem-modules, sl-modem-modules-new
+ sl-modem-daemon.README.Debian: Remove mention of module-assistant.
+ debian/README.Debian:
- Removed mention of module-assistant & make-kpkg.
- Rephrased the paragraph about manual building of modules.
+ Merge into
- Use invoke-rc.d instead of directly running sl-modem-daemon init
- Remove
- Removed code that creates slamr and slusb devices.
- Renamed daemon-stop function to daemon_stop to remove bashism.
+ Remove sl-modem-source.dirs
* Removed debian/hotplug
* debian/rules: simplified rules file
* Removed debian/
* Updated Japanese translation (Closes: #518603).
* Rename sl-modem-daemon.modutils to sl-modem.conf (Closes: #519672).
* debian/copyright: converted to machine readable format.
* Merge changes from Ubuntu:
+ debian/patches/autoload.diff: Patch drivers to export the right aliases
for auto-load on open.
+ Hence remove alias lines from sl-modem.conf.
* debian/control:
+ Added Vcs-* fields.
+ Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes needed
+ Build-Depend on debhelper >= 7.0.50~ to support override targets.
+ Build-Depend on quilt >= 7.0.50~ to support dh --with quilt
* debian/compat, debian/control: Upgraded to debhelper 7
* debian/sl-modem.conf: add entries for slusb loading.
* Added debian/sl-modem-source.lintian-overrides,
debian/sl-modem-daemon.manpages and debian/NEWS
sl-modem (2.9.11~20080817-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Added libc6-dev to sl-modem-source's Depends: field.
* debian/patches/*.diff: add contributor info.
* debian/sl-modem-daemon.init (change from Ubuntu): Also check for modems
which are subdevices, and thus only expose themselves in "aplay -l", not
in /proc/asound/cards. Thanks to Peteris Krisjanis for the patch! (Closes:
* Added 12_ulimit_warn.diff from Corey Hickey, that checks the current limit
and makes slmodemd warn & die if the limit is judged to be too low (< 8
MB). (Closes: #511996)
* Added 13_slusb.diff patch to enable support for slusb module.
* debian/
+ Added USB=1 in make[0] field to enable compilation of slusb module.
+ Added fields for slusb module.
* debian/sl-modem-daemon.config: use set -e instead of passing -e to the
shell on the #! line.
* Provide pm-utils hook script to restart slmodem daemon on resume:
+ Added debian/15sl-modem-daemon
+ debian/rules: install debian/15sl-modem-daemon in
Based on patches submitted by: Julien Valroff <email address hidden>, "Tim
Dijkstra \(tdykstra\)" <email address hidden> (Closes: #411851).
-- ???? ???????? (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) <email address hidden> Mon, 22 Mar 2010 18:17:38 +0000