Change logs for squeak-vm source package in Lunar

  • squeak-vm (1: unstable; urgency=medium
      * update copyright info:
        + rewrite to use machine-readable format 1.0
      * update copyright info:
        + fix repackage upstream source,
          excluding problematic plugins for NPAPI
          (vaguely licensed and uses insecure tempfile)
          and QuickTime (non-DFSG licensed),
          some documentation without source,
          and some convenience code copies
        + exclude unused files from repackaged source
        + update coverage;
        + add lintian overrides about Reference field
          (see bug#786450)
      * update watch file:
        + bump to file format 4
        + track git commits (not tarball releases)
        + mention gbp --uscan in usage comment
      * add source helper script copyright-check
      * update file paths in source package
        to match repackaged git-tracked upstream source
      * add patch 2001 to avoid missing plugin npsqueak
     -- Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>  Wed, 10 Nov 2021 04:48:50 +0100