vim-scripts binary package in Ubuntu Lunar i386
Vim is a very capable editor. Its scripting support allows the use of plugins
that enhance the functionality of it. Many people have written scripts, they
are scattered all over the web; however, there's a central resource on
This is a collection of some of those scripts on a purely subjective and biased
basis. Users can thus have some nice scripts without having to go searching.
The scripts can be installed globally or on a per user basis. Here is a
summary of the included scripts:
* AlignPlugin - Provides commands to help produce aligned text, eqns,
* alternateFile - Alternate Files quickly (.c --> .h etc)
* bufexplorer - Easily switch between buffers without knowing their numbers
* calendar - Calendar
* closetag - Easily close SGML-like tags
* color_sampler_pack - over 100 different color schemes
* cvsmenu - CVS menu supporting most CVS commands
* debPlugin - for browsing Debian packages
* detectindent - Automatically determine indent settings
* doxygen-toolkit - Simplify Doxygen documentation
* dtd2vim - create XML data file for XML omni-completion from DTDs
* EnhancedCommentify - Quickly comment lines in a program
* gnupg - Transparent editing of gpg encrypted files
* info - GNU info documentation browser
* lbdbq - Easily query lbdb from Vim
* minibufexpl - Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
* nerd-commenter - easy code commenting
* omnicppcomplete - C/C++ omni-completion with ctags
* po - Easier editing of PO multi-lingual translation files
* project - organize and navigate file projects
* python-indent - alternative Python indent script
* secure-modelines - secure, user-configurable modeline support
* snippetsEmu - emulate TextMate's snippet expansion
* supertab - use the tab key for all insert-mode completion
* surround - easily delete, change, and add 'surround' of text
* taglist - Source code browser (supports dozens of languages)
* tetris - Tetris for Vim
* utl - Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs in plain text
* VCSCommand - Commands for cvs, svn, git, hg, bzr, svk
* vimplate - template system based on template-toolkit
* VimSokoban - Sokoban Game for Vim
* whatdomain - Find out the meaning of any Top Level Domain
* winmanager - A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0
* xmledit - Helper for editing XML, HTML, and SGML documents
All of the addons are installed as "optional" Vim packages. They can be
enabled by adding "packadd! <addon>" (e.g., "packadd! AlignPlugin") to the
Publishing history
Date | Status | Target | Component | Section | Priority | Phased updates | Version | ||
2022-10-27 17:20:10 UTC | Published | Ubuntu Lunar i386 | release | universe | editors | Optional | 20210124.2 | ||