Change logs for apt-xapian-index source package in Mantic

  • apt-xapian-index (0.51ubuntu1) focal; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - Prefer native packages over foreign packages.
        - Do not crash if the DB is already locked.
        - Do not modify the DB "in-place" with --update
        - debian/patches/01_axi_cjk_support.patch:
          - Activate the CJK support when indexing the database.
        - debian/patches/02_axi-pkgname-mangled-term.patch:
          - add XPM term that contains a mangled version of the pkgname.
        - plugins/
          - Ignore file not found errors due to a race condition.
        - debian/patches/06_32bit_sizes.patch: Watch out for package sizes that
          don't fit in 32 bits.
        - debian/patches/07_glib_import.patch: Fix the import of GLib and GObject.
        - Bump the minimum version for removal of the dbus service; this delta can
          be dropped after the release of Ubuntu 20.04.
        - Build with quilt
    apt-xapian-index (0.51) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      [ Debian Janitor ]
      * Use set -e rather than passing -e on the shebang-line.
      [ Julian Andres Klode ]
      * Port the code to work with apt 1.9 (Closes: #931133)
      * Do not pass memonly=True
    apt-xapian-index (0.50) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      [ Barry Warsaw ]
      * Switch to Python 3 as the default. (Closes: #804099)
      * d/compat: Bump to version 9.
      * d/control:
        - Bump debhelper version to >= 9.
        - Switch dependencies to their Python 3 version.
        - Use X-Python3-Version instead.
      * d/rules:
        - Fix the dh argument order.
        - Use --with=python3 and --build-system=pybuild
        - Run the tests in an override_dh_auto_test target.
      [ Paul Wise ]
      * Use the right path to the GPLv2 in Debian
      * Migrate a few minor things to Python 2 only
      * Use dpkg-source format 3.0 (native)
      * Use the current version of python3-xapian
      * Correctly import from the Python 3 configparser module
      * Decode bytes from Xapian to Python 3 strings
      * Update VCS information to use the new Salsa repo
      * Switch from debian/compat to debhelper-compat
      * Bump debhelper compat level to 12
      * Drop ancient X-Python3-Version
      * Fix spelling errors
      [ Elena Grandi ]
      * Don't traceback on missing index. Closes: #758403
      [ Ralf Treinen ]
      * Fix typo in postrm (Closes: #841417)
     -- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden>  Fri, 27 Mar 2020 12:20:11 +0100