Change logs for openjdk-21 source package in Mantic

  • openjdk-21 (21+35-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 release build, (no changes).
      [ Matthias Klose ]
      * Build-depend on the unversioned libfreetype-dev.
      * Build zero on loong64.
      * Change upstream VCS to
      [ Pushkar Kulkarni ]
      * Enable again.
      [ Vladimir Petko ]
      * Run tests on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Thu, 21 Sep 2023 06:39:23 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~35ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 35 (first release candidate).
      [ Pushkar Kulkarni ]
      * d/p/series - The jaw-classpath and jaw-optional patches help work around
        the problem of an application being unable to load ATK wrapper classes
        since the introduction of the JPMS(JDK9). With openjdk-8, these classes
        were loaded as extension classes from jre/lib/ext. The best alternative
        today is that the user makes sure java-atk-wrapper is installed, modifies
        the file to enable ATK and sets the CLASSPATH to
        point to the location of the ATK jar. These patches have been dropped on
        openjdk-11 and openjdk-17 previously.
      [ Matthias Klose ]
      * Explicitly configure --without-jtreg with the nocheck profile
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:43:29 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~34ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 34.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 03:01:18 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~32ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 32.
      [ Vladimir Petko ]
      * d/t/jtreg-autopkgtest.{sh,in}: JDK-8232153 - set NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE
        to let sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/ pass.
      * d/p/exclude-broken-tests.patch: quarantine pkcs11 tests failing with NSS 3.91.
      * d/t/problems-armhf.txt: quarantine armhf failing tests:
        - java/net/httpclient/ SSL request timeout.
        - java/util/Random/ deadlock in CI.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:52:07 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~30ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 30.
      * Link with --no-as-needed. Closes: #1031521.
      * d/rules: Remove EXTRA_.*FLAGS_JDK macros.
      * Fix FTCBFS: Add libffi-dev:native to B-D (Helmut Grohne). Closes: #1039946.
      * Build using GCC 13.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:11:47 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~29ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 29.
      [ Vladimir Petko ]
      * Fix bootstrapping with an OpenJDK 20 zero VM.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Fri, 30 Jun 2023 11:22:43 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~28ea-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update VCS attributes.
      * Provide versioned java-runtime, java-runtime-headless, java-sdk
        and java-sdk-headless virtual packages (Emmanuel Bourg).
      * Add support for arc (untested), hppa (untested) and ia64.
      * Configure --with-stdc++lib=static on ia64.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:21:14 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~28ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 28.
      * Add support for alpha, m68k, ppc, sh, x32.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:48:49 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~27ea-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * debian/rules: Correctly set BOOT_JDK_HOME.
     -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Fri, 16 Jun 2023 20:53:53 +0200
  • openjdk-21 (21~14ea~us1-0ubuntu1) lunar; urgency=medium
      * OpenJDK 21 snapshot, Build 14.
      * d/copyright, d/watch: implement uscan repackaging (LP: #2011749).
      * d/rules: use --with-debug-symbols=none (LP: #2003820).
     -- Vladimir Petko <email address hidden>  Fri, 17 Mar 2023 13:31:13 +1300