windowlab (1.40-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Step Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes.
* Advance debhelper compatibility to 9.
+ debian/control, debian/compat: Updated.
+ debian/rules: Reduce rule set to use dh together with hooks
"override_dh_install" and "override_dh_installwm".
* debian/windowlab.postrm: New file. (Closes: #806403).
* debian/copyright: Use single word names for licenses AEWM and 9WM.
Correctly rebuild the default files stanza to be 9WM, AEWM and GPL-2,
simultaneously, which is what the upstream author specifies.
* [lintian] debian/control: Spelling error in description text.
* [lintian] debian/windowlab.desktop: Add an entry for Keywords.
-- Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden> Wed, 16 Mar 2016 23:06:31 +0100