yt-dlp binary package in Ubuntu Mantic s390x

 yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork based on the now inactive youtube-dlc.
 The main focus of this project is adding new features and patches
 while also keeping up to date with the original project.
 yt-dlp is a small command-line program to download videos from and other sites that don't provide direct links to the
 videos served.
 yt-dlp allows the user, among other things, to choose a specific video
 quality to download (if available) or let the program automatically
 determine the best (or worst) quality video to grab. It supports
 downloading entire playlists and all videos from a given user.
 Currently supported sites (or features of sites) are:
 17live, 1News, 1tv, 20min, 23video, 247sports,, 24video,
 3qsdn, 3sat, 4tube,, 6play, 7plus, 8tracks, 91porn, 9c9media,
 9gag,,, abcnews, abcotvs, AbemaTV, AbemaTVTitle,
 acast, AcFunBangumi, AcFunVideo, ADN, AdobeConnect, adobetv, AdultSwim,
 aenetworks, AeonCo, afreecatv, AirMozilla, AirTV, AitubeKZVideo,
 AliExpressLive, AlJazeera, Allocine, AlphaPorno, Alsace20TV,
 Alsace20TVEmbed, Alura, AluraCourse, Amara, AmazonMiniTV, AmazonReviews,
 AmazonStore, AMCNetworks, AmericasTestKitchen, AmericasTestKitchenSeason,
 AmHistoryChannel, AnchorFMEpisode, anderetijden, Angel, AnimalPlanet,
 Anvato,, APA, Aparat, AppleConnect, AppleDaily, ApplePodcasts,
 appletrailers,, ArcPublishing, ARD, ARDBetaMediathek, Arkena,, ArteTV, ArteTVCategory, ArteTVEmbed, ArteTVPlaylist,
 AtresPlayer, AtScaleConfEvent, ATTTechChannel, ATVAt, AudiMedia,
 AudioBoom, audiomack, Audius, AWAAN,, AZMedien, BaiduVideo, BanBye,
 BanByeChannel, bandaichannel, Bandcamp, BannedVideo, bbc,,
 BBVTV, BBVTVLive, BBVTVRecordings, BeatBumpPlaylist, BeatBumpVideo,
 Beatport, Beeg, BehindKink, Bellator, BellMedia, BerufeTV, Bet,
 bfmtv, Bigflix, Bigo, Bild, BiliBili, Bilibili category extractor,
 BilibiliAudio, BilibiliAudioAlbum, BiliBiliBangumi, BiliBiliBangumiMedia,
 BiliBiliBangumiSeason, BilibiliCollectionList, BilibiliFavoritesList,
 BiliBiliPlayer, BilibiliPlaylist, BiliBiliSearch, BilibiliSeriesList,
 BilibiliSpaceAudio, BilibiliSpaceVideo, BilibiliWatchlater, BiliIntl,
 BiliLive, BioBioChileTV, Biography, BIQLE, BitChute, BitChuteChannel,
 BlackboardCollaborate, BleacherReport, BleacherReportCMS, blerp,, Bloomberg, BokeCC, BongaCams, BostonGlobe, Box, BoxCastVideo,
 Bpb, BR, BrainPOP, BrainPOPELL, BrainPOPEsp, BrainPOPFr, BrainPOPIl,
 BrainPOPJr, BravoTV, Break, BreitBart, BRMediathek, Bundesliga,
 BusinessInsider, BuzzFeed, BYUtv, CableAV, Callin, Caltrans, CAM4,
 Camdemy, CamdemyFolder, CamFMEpisode, CamFMShow, CamModels, Camsoda,
 CamtasiaEmbed, CamWithHer, Canal1, CanalAlpha,, Canalplus,
 CaracolTvPlay, CarambaTV, CarambaTVPage, CartoonNetwork,, CBS,
 CBSInteractive, CBSLocal, CBSLocalArticle, CBSLocalLive, cbsnews,
 cbssports, CCMA, CCTV, CDA, Cellebrite, CeskaTelevize, CGTN, channel9,
 CharlieRose, Chaturbate, Chilloutzone, Chingari, ChingariUser,
 chirbit,, Cinchcast, Cinemax, CinetecaMilano, Cineverse,
 CineverseDetails, CiscoLiveSearch, CiscoLiveSession, ciscowebex, CJSW,
 Clipchamp, cliphunter, Clippit, ClipRs, Clipsyndicate, ClipYouEmbed,
 CloserToTruth, CloudflareStream, Cloudy, Clubic, Clyp,, CNBC,
 CNBCVideo, CNN, CNNArticle, CNNBlogs, CNNIndonesia, ComedyCentral,
 ComedyCentralTV, ConanClassic, CondeNast, CONtv, CookingChannel, Corus,
 Coub, CozyTV, cp24, cpac, Cracked, Crackle, Craftsy, CrooksAndLiars,
 CrowdBunker, CrowdBunkerChannel, Crtvg, crunchyroll, CSpan,
 CSpanCongress, CtsNews, CTV, CTVNews,, CultureUnplugged,
 curiositystream, CWTV, Cybrary, CybraryCourse, DacastPlaylist,
 DacastVOD, Daftsex, DagelijkseKost, DailyMail, dailymotion,
 DailyWire, DailyWirePodcast,, DBTV, DctpTv, DeezerAlbum,
 DeezerPlaylist,, democracynow, DestinationAmerica,
 DetikEmbed, DeuxM, DeuxMNews, DHM, Digg, DigitalConcertHall,
 DigitallySpeaking, Digiteka, DiscogsReleasePlaylist, Discovery,
 DiscoveryLife, DiscoveryNetworksDe, DiscoveryPlus, DiscoveryPlusIndia,
 DiscoveryPlusIndiaShow, DiscoveryPlusItaly, DiscoveryPlusItalyShow,
 Disney, DIYNetwork, dlf, Dotsub, Douyin, DouyuShow, DouyuTV, DPlay,
 DRBonanza, Drooble, Dropbox, Dropout, DropoutSeason, DrTuber, drtv,
 DTube, duboku, Dumpert, dvtv, dw, EaglePlatform, EbaumsWorld,
 Ebay, EchoMsk, ehftv, eHow, EinsUndEinsTV, EinsUndEinsTVLive,
 EinsUndEinsTVRecordings, Einthusan,, ElevenSports, EllenTube,
 EllenTubePlaylist, EllenTubeVideo, Elonet, ElPais, Embedly, EMPFlix,
 Engadget, Epicon, EpiconSeries, Epoch, Eporner, Erocast, EroProfile,
 ertflix, Escapist, ESPN, ESPNArticle, ESPNCricInfo, EsriVideo,
 EttuTv, Europa, EuroParlWebstream, EuropeanTour, Eurosport, EUScreen,
 EWETV, EWETVLive, EWETVRecordings, ExpoTV, Expressen, ExtremeTube,
 EyedoTV, facebook, FacebookPluginsVideo,, fc2, Fczenit, Fifa,
 Filmmodu, filmon, Filmweb, FiveThirtyEight, FiveTV, Flickr, Folketinget,
 FoodNetwork, FootyRoom, Formula1, FOX, FOX9, FOX9News, Foxgay, foxnews,
 FoxNewsVideo, FoxSports, fptplay, FranceCulture, FranceInter, FranceTV,, FranceTVSite, Freesound,, FreeTvMovies,
 FrontendMasters, FrontendMastersCourse, FrontendMastersLesson,
 FujiTVFODPlus7, Funimation, Funk, Funker530, Fusion, Fux, FuyinTV, Gab,
 GabTV, Gaia, GameInformer, GameJolt, GameJoltCommunity, GameJoltGame,
 GameJoltGameSoundtrack, GameJoltSearch, GameJoltUser, GameSpot,
 GameStar, Gaskrank, Gazeta, GDCVault, GediDigital,, generic,
 Genius, GeniusLyrics, Gettr, GettrStreaming, Gfycat, GiantBomb, Giga,
 GlattvisionTV, GlattvisionTVLive, GlattvisionTVRecordings, Glide,
 GlobalCyclingNetworkPlus, GlobalPlayerAudio, GlobalPlayerAudioEpisode,
 GlobalPlayerLive, GlobalPlayerLivePlaylist, GlobalPlayerVideo, Globo,
 GloboArticle, glomex, GMANetworkVideo, Go, GoDiscovery, GodTube, Gofile,
 Golem, GoogleDrive, GoPlay, GoPro, Goshgay, GoToStage, GPUTechConf,
 Gronkh, Groupon, Harpodeon, hbo, HearThisAt, Heise, HellPorno, Helsinki,
 hetklokhuis, HGTVDe, HGTVUsa, HiDive, HistoricFilms, hitbox, HitRecord,
 hketv, HollywoodReporter, HollywoodReporterPlaylist, Holodex,
 HotNewHipHop, hotstar, Howcast, HowStuffWorks, hrfernsehen, HRTi,
 HRTiPlaylist, HSEProduct, HSEShow, html5, Huajiao, HuffPost, Hungama,
 HungamaAlbumPlaylist, HungamaSong, Hypem, Hytale, Icareus, IdolPlus,
 IflixSeries,, IGNArticle, IGNVideo, IHeartRadio, Iltalehti,
 imdb, Imgur, Ina, Inc, IndavideoEmbed, InfoQ, Instagram, InstagramIOS,
 Internazionale, InternetVideoArchive, InvestigationDiscovery,
 IPrima, IPrimaCNN,, iqiyi, IslamChannel, IslamChannelSeries,
 IsraelNationalNews, ITProTV, ITProTVCourse, ITTF, ITV, ITVBTCC, ivi,
 ivideon, IVXPlayer, iwara, Ixigua, Izlesene, Jable, JablePlaylist,
 Jamendo, JamendoAlbum, JeuxVideo, Joj, Jove, JStream, JWPlatform,
 Kakao, Kaltura, Kanal2, KankaNews, Karaoketv, KarriereVideos,
 Katsomo, KeezMovies, KelbyOne, Ketnet, khanacademy, Kick, Kicker,
 KickStarter, KickVOD, KinjaEmbed, KinoPoisk, Kommunetv, KompasVideo,
 KonserthusetPlay, Koo, KrasView, KTH, Ku6, KUSI,, laola1tv, LastFM,
 LastFMPlaylist, LastFMUser, lbry, LCI, Lcp, LcpPlay, Le, Lecture2Go,
 Lecturio, LecturioCourse, LecturioDeCourse, LeFigaroVideoEmbed,
 LeFigaroVideoSection, LEGO, Lemonde, Lenta, LePlaylist, LetvCloud,
 Libsyn, life, likee, limelight, LinkedIn, LinuxAcademy, Liputan6,
 ListenNotes, LiTV, LiveJournal, livestream, Livestreamfails, Lnk,
 LnkGo, loc, LocalNews8, LoveHomePorn, LRTStream, LRTVOD, Lumni, lynda,
 m6, MagellanTV, MagentaMusik360, mailru, MainStreaming, MallTV,
 MangoTV, ManotoTV, ManotoTVLive, ManotoTVShow, ManyVids, MaoriTV,
 Markiza, MarkizaPage,, Masters, MatchTV, MDR,
 MedalTV,, Mediaite, MediaKlikk, Medialaan, Mediaset,
 MediasetShow, Mediasite, MediasiteCatalog, MediasiteNamedCatalog,
 MediaStream, MediaWorksNZVOD, Medici,, megatvcom,
 Meipai, MelonVOD, META, metacafe, Metacritic, mewatch, Mgoon, MiaoPai,
 MicrosoftEmbed, microsoftstream, mildom, minds, MinistryGrid, Minoto,, mirrativ, MirrorCoUK, MiTele, mixch, mixcloud, MLB,
 MLBArticle, MLBTV, MLBVideo, MLSSoccer, Mnet, MNetTV, MNetTVLive,
 MNetTVRecordings, MochaVideo, MoeVideo, Mofosex, MofosexEmbed,
 Mojvideo, Monstercat, MonsterSirenHypergryphMusic, Morningstar,
 Motherless, MotherlessGallery, MotherlessGroup, Motorsport, MotorTrend,
 MotorTrendOnDemand, MovieClips, MovieFap, Moviepilot, MoviewPlay,
 Moviezine, MovingImage, MSN, mtg, mtv,,, mtvjapan,
 MTVUutisetArticle, MuenchenTV, MujRozhlas, Murrtube, MurrtubeUser,
 MuseAI, MuseScore, MusicdexAlbum, MusicdexArtist, MusicdexPlaylist,
 MusicdexSong, mva, Mwave, MwaveMeetGreet, Mxplayer, MxplayerShow,
 MyChannels, MySpace, MySpass, Myvi, MyVideoGe, MyVidster, MyviEmbed,
 Mzaalo,, N1InfoAsset, Nate, NateProgram, NationalGeographicTV,
 Naver, navernow, NBA, NBAChannel, NBAEmbed, NBAWatchEmbed, NBC, NBCNews,
 nbcolympics, NBCSports, NBCSportsStream, NBCSportsVPlayer, NBCStations,
 ndr, NDTV, Nebula, NekoHacker, NerdCubedFeed, NetPlusTV, NetPlusTVLive,
 NetPlusTVRecordings, Netverse, NetversePlaylist, NetverseSearch,
 Netzkino, Newgrounds, NewsPicks, Newstube, Newsy, NextMedia,
 NextMediaActionNews, NextTV, Nexx, NexxEmbed, NFB, NFHSNetwork,,
 NhkForSchoolBangumi, NhkForSchoolProgramList, NhkForSchoolSubject,
 NhkRadioNewsPage, NhkRadiru, NhkRadiruLive, NhkVod, NhkVodProgram,,,, nickelodeonru, nicknight, niconico,
 NiconicoChannelPlus, NiconicoUser, Nintendo, Nitter, njoy, NJPWWorld,
 NobelPrize, NoicePodcast, NonkTube, NoodleMagazine, Noovo, Normalboots,
 NOSNLArticle, NosVideo, Nova, NovaEmbed, NovaPlay, nowness, Noz, npo,
 Npr, NRK, NRKPlaylist, NRKRadioPodkast, NRKSkole, NRKTV, NRKTVDirekte,
 NRKTVEpisode, NRKTVEpisodes, NRKTVSeason, NRKTVSeries, NRLTV,,
 NubilesPorn, Nuvid, NYTimes, NYTimesArticle, NYTimesCooking, nzherald,
 NZOnScreen, NZZ,, OdaTV, Odnoklassniki, OfTV, OfTVPlaylist,
 OktoberfestTV, OlympicsReplay, on24, OnDemandChinaEpisode, OnDemandKorea,
 OneFootball, OnePlacePodcast,,, OnetMVP, OnionStudios,
 Ooyala, OoyalaExternal, Opencast, OpencastPlaylist, openrec,
 OraTV, OsnatelTV, OsnatelTVLive, OsnatelTVRecordings, OutsideTV,
 OwnCloud, PacktPub, PacktPubCourse,, Panopto, PanoptoList,
 PanoptoPlaylist, ParamountNetwork, ParamountPlus, ParamountPlusSeries,
 ParamountPressExpress, Parler,, Parlview, Patreon,
 PatreonCampaign, pbs, PBSKids, PearVideo, PeekVids,, PeerTube,
 peloton, People, PerformGroup, periscope, PGATour, PhilharmonieDeParis,, Photobucket, Piapro, PIAULIZAPortal, Picarto, PicartoVod,
 Piksel, Pinkbike, Pinterest, PinterestCollection, Pladform, PlanetMarathi,
 Platzi, PlatziCourse,,, PlayPlusTV, PlayStuff,
 PlaysTV, PlaySuisse, Playtvak, Playvid, PlayVids, Playwire, pluralsight,
 PlutoTV, PodbayFM, PodbayFMChannel, Podchaser, podomatic, Pokemon,
 PokemonWatch, PokerGo, PokerGoCollection, PolsatGo, PolskieRadio,
 Popcorntimes, PopcornTV, Pornbox, PornCom, PornerBros, Pornez, PornFlip,
 PornHd, PornHub, PornHubPagedVideoList, PornHubPlaylist, PornHubUser,
 PornHubUserVideosUpload, Pornotube, PornoVoisines, PornoXO, PornTop,
 PornTube, Pr0gramm, PrankCast, PremiershipRugby, PressTV, ProjectVeritas,
 prosiebensat1, PRXAccount, PRXSeries, PRXStory, puhutv, Puls4, Pyvideo,
 QDance, QingTing, qqmusic, QuantumTV, QuantumTVLive, QuantumTVRecordings,
 Qub, R7, R7Article, Radiko, RadikoRadio,, radiobremen,
 radiocanada, radiofrance, RadioFranceLive, RadioFrancePodcast,
 RadioFranceProfile, RadioFranceProgramSchedule, RadioJavan, radiokapital,
 RadioZetPodcast, radlive, Rai, RaiCultura, RaiNews, RaiPlay, RaiPlayLive,
 RaiPlayPlaylist, RaiPlaySound, RaiPlaySoundLive, RaiPlaySoundPlaylist,
 RaiSudtirol, RayWenderlich, RayWenderlichCourse, RbgTum, RbgTumCourse,
 RbgTumNewCourse, RBMARadio, RCS, RCSEmbeds, RCSVarious, RCTIPlus,
 RCTIPlusSeries, RCTIPlusTV, RDS, Recurbate, RedBull, RedBullEmbed,
 RedBullTV, RedBullTVRrnContent, Reddit, RedGifs, RedGifsSearch,
 RedGifsUser, RedTube, RegioTV, RENTV, RENTVArticle, Restudy, Reuters,
 ReverbNation, RheinMainTV, RICE, RMCDecouverte, RockstarGames,
 Rokfin, RoosterTeeth, RoosterTeethSeries, RottenTomatoes, Rozhlas,
 RozhlasVltava, RTBF, RTDocumentry, RTDocumentryPlaylist, rte,,
 rtl2, RTLLuLive, RTLLuRadio, RTNews, RTP, RTRFM, RTS, RTVCKaltura,
 RTVCPlay, RTVCPlayEmbed, RTVNH, RTVS,, RUHD, Rule34Video,
 Rumble, RumbleChannel, RumbleEmbed, Ruptly, rutube, RUTV, Ruutu, Ruv,
 S4C, S4CSeries, safari, Saitosan, SAKTV, SAKTVLive, SAKTVRecordings,
 SaltTV, SaltTVLive, SaltTVRecordings, SampleFocus, Sangiin, Sapo,, SBS, schooltv, ScienceChannel, Screen9, Screencast,
 Screencastify, ScreencastOMatic, ScrippsNetworks, Scrolller, SCTE,
 SCTECourse, Seeker, SenalColombiaLive, SenateGov, SenateISVP, SendtoNews,
 Servus, Sexu, SeznamZpravy, SeznamZpravyArticle, Shahid, ShahidShow,
 Shared, ShareVideosEmbed, ShemarooMe, ShowRoomLive, ShugiinItvLive,
 ShugiinItvLiveRoom, ShugiinItvVod, SibnetEmbed, simplecast, Sina, Skeb,, SkylineWebcams, SkyNewsAU, Slideshare, SlidesLive, Slutload,
 Smotrim, Snotr, Sohu, SohuV, SonyLIV, SonyLIVSeries, soundcloud,
 SoundcloudEmbed, soundgasm,,,,,, SovietsCloset, SovietsClosetPlaylist,
 SpankBang, SpankBangPlaylist, Spankwire, Spiegel, Sport5, SportBox,
 SportDeutschland, spotify, Spreaker, SpreakerPage, SpreakerShow,
 SpreakerShowPage, SpringboardPlatform, Sprout, SRGSSR, SRGSSRPlay,
 StacommuLive, StacommuVOD, StagePlusVODConcert, stanfordoc, StarTrek,
 startv, Steam, SteamCommunityBroadcast, Stitcher, StitcherShow, StoryFire,
 StoryFireSeries, StoryFireUser, Streamable,, StreamCZ,
 StreamFF, StreetVoice, StretchInternet, Stripchat, Substack, SunPorno,
 SVT, SVTPage, SVTPlay, SVTSeries, SwearnetEpisode, SWRMediathek,
 Syfy, SYVDK, SztvHu,, Tagesschau, Tass, TBS, TBSJPEpisode,
 TBSJPPlaylist, TBSJPProgram, TDSLifeway, Teachable, TeachableCourse,
 teachertube, TeachingChannel, Teamcoco, TeamTreeHouse, TechTalks,, TedEmbed, TedPlaylist, TedSeries, TedTalk, Tele13, Tele5,
 TeleBruxelles, TelecaribePlay, Telecinco, Telegraaf, TeleMB, Telemundo,
 TeleQuebec, TeleQuebecEmission, TeleQuebecLive, TeleQuebecSquat,
 TeleQuebecVideo, TeleTask, Telewebion, Tempo, TennisTV, TenPlay, TF1,
 TFO, TheHoleTv, TheIntercept, ThePlatform, ThePlatformFeed, TheStar,
 TheSun, TheWeatherChannel, ThisAmericanLife, ThisAV, ThisOldHouse,
 ThisVid, ThisVidMember, ThisVidPlaylist, ThreeSpeak, ThreeSpeakUser,
 TikTok, tinypic, TLC, TMZ, TNAFlix, TNAFlixNetworkEmbed, toggle, toggo,
 Tokentube, ToonGoggles,, Toypics, ToypicsUser, TrailerAddict,
 TravelChannel, Triller, TrillerShort, TrillerUser, Trilulilu, Trovo,
 TrovoChannelClip, TrovoChannelVod, TrovoVod, TrtCocukVideo, TrueID,
 TruNews, Truth, TruTV, Tube8, TubeTuGraz, TubeTuGrazSeries, TubiTv,
 TubiTvShow, Tumblr, TuneInPodcast, TuneInPodcastEpisode, TuneInStation,
 TunePk, Turbo,, TV2, TV2Article, TV2DK, TV2DKBornholmPlay,,, TV4, TV5MondePlus, tv5unis,, TVA,
 TVANouvelles, TVANouvellesArticle, TVC, TVCArticle, TVer, tvigle,
 TVIPlayer,, TVN24, TVNet, TVNoe, TVNow, TVNowAnnual,
 TVNowFilm, TVNowNew, TVNowSeason, TVNowShow, tvp, TVPlayer, TVPlayHome,
 Tweakers, TwitCasting, TwitCastingLive, TwitCastingUser, TwitchCollection,
 TwitchVideos, TwitchVideosClips, TwitchVideosCollections, twitter, Txxx,
 udemy, UDNEmbed, UFCArabia, UFCTV, ukcolumn, UKTVPlay, Unistra, Unity,
 UnscriptedNewsVideo,, uplynk, Urort, URPlay, USANetwork,
 USAToday, ustream, ustudio, Utreon, Varzesh3, Vbox7, VeeHD, Veo, Veoh,
 Vesti, Vevo, VevoPlaylist, VGTV,, vice, Vidbit, Viddler, Videa,,, VideoDetective,, VideoKen,
 VideoKenCategory, VideoKenPlayer, VideoKenPlaylist, VideoKenTopic,
 videomore, VideoPress, Vidio, VidioLive, VidioPremier, VidLii, viewlift,
 Viidea, viki, vimeo, ViMP, Vimple, Vine, Viqeo, Viu, ViuOTTIndonesia,
 Vivo, vk, VKPlay, VKPlayLive, vm.tiktok, Vocaroo, Vodlocker, VODPl,
 VODPlatform, VoiceRepublic, voicy, VolejTV, Voot, VootSeries,
 VoxMedia, VoxMediaVolume, vpro, Vrak, VRT, VrtNU, vrv, VShare, VTM,
 VTXTV, VTXTVLive, VTXTVRecordings, VuClip, Vupload, VVVVID, VVVVIDShow,
 VyboryMos, Vzaar, Wakanim, Walla, WalyTV, WalyTVLive, WalyTVRecordings,
 washingtonpost,, WatchBox, WatchESPN, WatchIndianPorn, WDR,
 WDRElefant, WDRPage, Webcamerapl, Webcaster, WebcasterFeed, WebOfStories,
 WebOfStoriesPlaylist, Weibo, WeiboUser, WeiboVideo, WeiqiTV, WeTvSeries,
 Weverse, WeverseLive, WeverseLiveTab, WeverseMedia, WeverseMediaTab,
 WeverseMoment, WeVidi, Weyyak, whowatch, Whyp,, Willow,
 Wimbledon, WimTV, WinSportsVideo, Wistia, WistiaChannel, WistiaPlaylist,
 wnl, WorldStarHipHop, wppilot, WrestleUniversePPV, WrestleUniverseVOD,
 WSJ, WSJArticle, WWE, WyborczaPodcast, Xanimu, XBef, XboxClips,
 XFileShare, XHamster, XHamsterEmbed, XHamsterUser, ximalaya, xinpianchang,
 XMinus, XNXX, Xstream, XTube, XTubeUser, Xuite, XVideos, XXXYMovies,
 Yahoo, YandexDisk, YandexVideo, YandexVideoPreview, YapFiles, Yappy,
 YappyProfile, YesJapan, YleAreena, Ynet, YouJizz, youku, YouNowChannel,
 YouNowLive, YouNowMoment, YouPorn, YourPorn, YourUpload, youtube,
 YoutubeLivestreamEmbed, YoutubeYtBe, Zaiko, ZaikoETicket, Zapiks, Zattoo,
 ZattooLive, ZattooMovies, ZattooRecordings, ZDF, ZDFChannel, Zee5,
 ZeeNews, ZenYandex, ZenYandexChannel, Zhihu, zingmp3, zoom, Zype, generic,

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2023-10-09 08:54:00 UTC Published Ubuntu Mantic s390x proposed universe web Optional 2023.10.07-1
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-10-09 08:54:01 UTC Superseded Ubuntu Mantic s390x proposed universe web Optional 2023.09.24-2
  • Removed from disk .
  • Removal requested .
  • Superseded by amd64 build of yt-dlp 2023.10.07-1 in ubuntu mantic PROPOSED
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-07-08 01:14:06 UTC Published Ubuntu Mantic s390x release universe web Optional 2023.07.06-1
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  Deleted Ubuntu Mantic s390x proposed universe web Optional 2023.07.06-1
  • Removal requested .
  • Deleted by Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync

    Moved to mantic

  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-07-08 01:14:56 UTC Superseded Ubuntu Mantic s390x release universe web Optional 2023.06.22-1
  • Removed from disk .
  • Removal requested .
  • Superseded by amd64 build of yt-dlp 2023.07.06-1 in ubuntu mantic PROPOSED
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-07-09 06:10:10 UTC Deleted Ubuntu Mantic s390x proposed universe web Optional 2023.06.22-1
  • Removed from disk .
  • Removal requested .
  • Deleted by Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync

    Moved to mantic

  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-06-27 16:32:19 UTC Superseded Ubuntu Mantic s390x release universe web Optional 2023.06.21-1
  • Removed from disk .
  • Removal requested .
  • Superseded by amd64 build of yt-dlp 2023.06.22-1 in ubuntu mantic PROPOSED
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-06-28 18:10:11 UTC Deleted Ubuntu Mantic s390x proposed universe web Optional 2023.06.21-1
  • Removed from disk .
  • Removal requested .
  • Deleted by Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync

    Moved to mantic

  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu mantic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu
  2023-06-21 15:20:20 UTC Superseded Ubuntu Mantic s390x release universe web Optional 2023.03.04-1
  • Removal requested .
  • Superseded by amd64 build of yt-dlp 2023.06.21-1 in ubuntu mantic PROPOSED
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu lunar-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu

Source package