acct (6.5.4-2ubuntu1.1) maverick-proposed; urgency=low
* debian/rules: call autoreconf to make sure the acct file patch changes are
applied. (LP: #682211)
* debian/control: add Build-Depends on autoconf and automake for autoreconf.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Mar 2011 16:34:17 -0500
acct (6.5.4-2ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian testing, remaining changes: (LP: #609754)
- Remove stop links from rc0 and rc6.
acct (6.5.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Re-add patch 03-acct-file.patch applied upstream in 6.5.1, seems the
change is no longer there in 6.5.4. (Closes: 579483)
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.0.
* Revert to division by CURR_AHZ rather sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) (Closes: 581421)
acct (6.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release: 6.5.4
* Updated patch to remove last from the documentation.
- updated debian/patches/01-last.patch
* Drop lastcomm's strict-match documentation patch, applied upstream.
- deleted debian/patches/06-lastcomm-manpage-strict-match.patch
- updated debian/patches/series
* Drop manpage updates to remove PD macros.
- deleted debian/patches/07-manpage-PD-macros.patch
- updated debian/patches/series
* Drop lastcomm manpage update for typos (B macro).
- deleted debian/patches/08-lastcomm-manpage-hyphen-as-minus-sign.patch
- updated debian/patches/series
* Update field descriptions for lastcomm's reports (Closes: #414300)
- added debian/patches/414300-lastcomm-fields-descr.patch
* Update FILES section in lastcomm's manpage (Closes: #512729)
- added debian/patches/512729-lastcomm-files.patch
- updated debian/patches/series
* Correct default unit in sa manpage, thanks Dominique Brazziel
(Closes: #488731)
- added debian/patches/488731-sa-manpage-default-unit.patch
- updates debian/patches/series
* Update acct init.d script to use lsb init-functions (Closes: #457976)
- updated debian/acct.init.d
* Create debian/source/format, switch to format 3.0 (quilt).
- added debian/source/format
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
- update debian/control
* Drop dircategory/direntry additions to accounting.texi, applied upstream.
- deleted debian/patches/09-info-dir-entry.patch
- updated debian/patches/series
-- Artur Rona <email address hidden> Thu, 05 Aug 2010 00:08:34 +0200
acct (6.5.1-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian testing, remaining changes: (LP: #510177)
- Remove stop links from rc0 and rc6.
acct (6.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New maintainer (Closes: #543825)
* New upstream release.
- Drop patch 02-manpage.patch, applied upstream.
- Drop patch 03-acct-file.patch. applied upstream.
- Drop patch 04-lastcomm-forwards.patch, applied upstream.
- Drop changes to accounting.info from 01-last.patch, file is rebuilt.
* Updated dump-acct.8 manpage (Closes: #401597)
* Sync strict-match documentation with reality (Closes: #401904)
* Add format, byteswap and ahz swiches to dump-acct manpage (Closes: #401597)
* Re-adding watch file.
* Fixed minor errors in manpages: PD macros.
* Fixed minor typo in lastcomm manpage.
* Use invoke-rc.d in daily crontab.
* Fixed depends for triggerized install-info directory building.
* Set doc-base section to System/Security.
* Added README.source
* Updated copyright to reflect licence and new upstream maintainer.
* Added dircategory and direntry entries in texinfo source.
* Install all files individually from debian/tmp using acct.install.
* Don't split HTML documentation in multiple files.
* Conversion to keep packaging in Bzr source control.
-- Mathieu Trudel <email address hidden> Wed, 20 Jan 2010 12:26:23 -0500