gnome-screensaver (2.30.2-0ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low
[ Robert Ancell ]
* debian/patches/01_libxklavier.patch:
- Add patch header
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* Use upstream D-Bus service file:
- debian/org.gnome.Screensaver.service: removed
- debian/gnome-screensaver.install: remove link
* debian/17_dont_start_twice.patch: make sure we cannot start twice by
bailing out if we cannot become the primary owner of the bus name.
(LP: #556255)
* debian/18_dont_use_sessionmanager_name_owners.patch: improve
reliability if gnome-session is started after the screensaver or if
gnome-session is restarted.
-- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Wed, 16 Feb 2011 09:20:00 -0500
gnome-screensaver (2.30.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* debian/control:
- Build-depend on dh-autoreconf, gnome-common
* debian/rules:
- Use autoreconf.mk
* debian/patches/01_libxklavier.patch:
- Correctly link dialog against libxklavier
-- Robert Ancell <email address hidden> Mon, 15 Nov 2010 16:05:18 +1100
gnome-screensaver (2.30.0-1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/control:
- Don't build-depend on intltool
- Bump build-dependency on libdbus-glib-1-dev
- Add build-depend on libxtst-dev
- Add Vcs-Bzr tag
- Don't depend on gnome-session; it doesn't appear to actually be
required, xubuntu is doing fine without it
- Let xfce4-power-manager be an alternative to gnome-power-manager
- Move rss-glx from recommends to suggests
- Recommend xscreensaver-data and screensaver-gl
- Suggest xscreensaver-data-extra and screensaver-gl-extra
* debian/rules:
- Don't use debian/po-up, translation updates will be provided via
- don't ship the popsquares screensaver, this is already in
* debian/gconf-defaults:
- Dropped
* debian/gnome-screensaver-command.1:
* debian/gnome-screensaver-preferences.1:
* debian/gnome-screensaver.1:
* debian/gnome-screensaver.manpages:
- Add man pages
* debian/gnome-screensaver.docs:
- Don't install docs
* debian/gnome-screensaver.install
- Install apport hook
- Install D-Bus service
- Don't install Debian specific screensaver
* debian/org.gnome.ScreenSaver.service:
- Provide a D-Bus service file so gnome-screensaver gets respawned if it
dies. This ensures screen locking will work more reliably.
* debian/source_gnome-screensaver.py
- Apport hook
* debian/patches/02_keep_unlock_raised.patch:
- ?
* debian/patches/03_fix_ltsp-fading.patch:
- Don't fade on LTSP
* debian/patches/04_force_blank_only_on_ltsp.patch:
- Disable graphics intensive modes for LTSP
* debian/patches/05_locking_for_compiz.patch:
- Stop Compiz keyboard shortcuts working when screen is locked
* debian/patches/10_legacy_scrsvr_inhibit.patch:
- Re-write to not use XTest to simulate fake key-presses in order
to reset the IDLETIME counter, as this appears to be problematic.
Use XResetScreenSaver() to do this instead. Thanks to Reinhard
Tartler for the hint
* debian/patches/11_autostart_delay.patch:
- Delay autostarting the screensaver for 5 seconds after the start
of the session
* debian/patches/12_use_dbus_service.patch:
- gnome-screensaver-command should use D-Bus to start gnome-screensaver
if it is not running.
* debian/patches/13_nvidia_gamma_fade_fallback.patch:
- Fall back to XF86VM gamma fade if XRANDR gamma fade is not supported
* debian/patches/14_no_fade_on_user_switch.patch:
- Disable fade on locking to work around LP: #546578 and prevent
the screen remaining blank after user switching. The screensaver
will still fade-in on idle though
* debian/patches/15_dont_crash_on_no_fade.patch:
- Don't crash on systems that don't support XF86VM or XRANDR gamma fade,
by testing if fade is supported on a particular screen before
calling the fade_setup and fade_finish virtual functions
* debian/patches/16_dont_crash_in_kvm.patch:
- Don't crash when the XF86VM extension doesn't allow the gamma
to be set
* debian/watch:
- Watch for unstable versions to get unstable version
-- Robert Ancell <email address hidden> Mon, 07 Jun 2010 14:08:59 +1000