Change logs for asterisk source package in Oneiric

  • asterisk (1: oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/backport-r312866.diff
      -  Responding to OPTIONS packet with 404 because Asterisk not looking for
         "s" extension (LP: #920020)
     -- Paul Belanger <email address hidden>   Sun, 11 Mar 2012 00:40:50 +0100
  • asterisk (1: oneiric; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #852479).  Remaining changes:
        - debian/control: Build-depend on hardening-wrapper
        - debian/rules: Make use of hardening-wrapper
        - debian/asterisk.init: chown /dev/dahdi
        - debian/backports/hardy: add file
        - debian/backports/asterisk.init.hardy: add file
      * Changes dropped from Ubuntu delta as no longer applicable:
        - debian/control:
          + Removed Uploaders field
          + Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr,
            to reflect divergence in packages.
    asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=low
      * Don't mark en-gsm sound files as enabled, so they won't be downloaded.
    asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=high
      * AST-2011-011 (CVE-2011-2536): Don't leak SIP username information
        (closes: #632029)
      * Clearly the NC-ND license for AST.{pdf,txt} is here to stay. Strip it.
        - And while we're at at, strip out sound files and some generated files.
    asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=high
      * New upstream point release, fixes 3 remotely-explitables (of sort) bugs:
        - AST-2011-008, CVE-2011-2529 (Closes: #631446)
        - AST-2011-009 (Closes: #631445)
        - AST-2011-010, CVE-2011-2535 (Closes: #631448)
    asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream point release:
        - Fixes CVE-2011-2216 - AST-2011-007 (Closes: #629130).
      * Patch gcc46: Fix the induced regression.
      * Blacklist SRTP support on Sparc and hurd-i386 until SRTP available there.
    asterisk (1:1.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
        - Patch no_ssl2 removed: merged upstream.
      * Remove unneeded dependency on voicemail modules - only leave Recommends
        (Closes: #624190).
      * Patch refix_bashism: bashism crept bact into the configure script
        (Jilles Tjoelker).
      * Fixes for kFreeBSD (Closes: #624569):
        - Declare build-deps linux-any: libtonezone-dev, libvpb-dev,
          libbluetooth-dev, libopenh323-dev, libcap[2]-dev, libstrp0-dev.
        - Thus sub-packages asterisk-dahdi, asterisk-h323 and asterisk-mobile
          are linux-any.
        - And logic added to rules file not to copy their files on non-linux.
        - Patch kfreebsd: Fix building with kFreeBSD.
        - Patch no_uname: Fix building with kFreeBSD: an uglier patch.
      * Patch gcc46: Some gcc-4.6 fixes from upstream. Get rid of some
        build warnings.
     -- James Page <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Sep 2011 14:05:14 +0100
  • asterisk (1: oneiric; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
        - debian/control:
          + Build-depend on hardening-wrapper
          + Removed Uploaders field
          + Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr,
            to reflect divergence in packages.
        - debian/rules: Make use of hardening-wrapper
        - debian/asterisk.init: chown /dev/dahdi
        - debian/backports/hardy: add file
        - debian/backports/asterisk.init.hardy: add file
    asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=high
      [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
      * Switching to branch 1.8
        (Closes: #610487, #614580, #618790, #618791, #623775).
      * Patch parser-mangles-include dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch dahdi-fxsks-hookstate dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch dahdi_ptmp_nt dropped: silly hack no longer needed.
      * Patch dahdi_pri_debug_spannums dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch moh_datadir dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch settings_show_dirs dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch man_hyphen dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch typos dropped: merged upstream.
      * Patch rtcp_cli_fix dropped: merged upstream.
      * Sound files: version 1.4.20
      * Separate sub-package asterisk-modules to avoid multiarch issues.
      * Extra sub-package asterisk-dahdi for the dahdi modules (Closes: #590588).
      * As of 1.8.1, AST.pdf and AST.txt are generated from the wiki.
        - And thus no need for rubber at build time (Closes: #531551).
      * Separate sub-packages for voicemail backends:
        - asterisk-voicemail{,-{imap,odbc}storage}
        - And rename the modules accordingly.
      * asterisk-mysql, asterisk-mobile, asterisk-mp3, asterisk-ooh323:
        - asterisk-addons was merged into Asterisk.
        - Patch enable_addons: do build those modules.
        - Also app_saycountpl, which will go into the mian package.
        - Patch mpglib: mpglib from asterisk-addons, originally.
      * Patch gmime-2.4: fixes building with gmime 2.4 (Closes: #549054).
        - Requires re-generating configure script.
      * Patch openssl10: Fix detection of openssl 1.0.
      * Patch no_ssl2: Don't require client-side SSL2 support.
      * include menuselect.makeopts in the docs directory - let us know what
        modules were not built.
      * Bump Standards version to (no change needed).
      * Upstream prefers chan_ooh323 to chan_h323. Suggest asterisk-ooh323.
      * Drop asterisk-sounds-main: we already have that functionality the
        asterisk-core-sounds packages.
      * Recommend a moh (music-on-hold) package to have music played on hold.
      [ Faidon Liambotis ]
      * Switch to the "3.0 (quilt)" package source format.
      [ Paul Belanger ]
      * Depend on libneon27-dev and libical-dev for calendar support.
      * Depend on libsrtp0-dev for SRTP support.
      * When compiling with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug" enable native Asterisk
        debugging tools.  Specifically DONT_OPTIMIZE, DEBUG_THREADS and
      * Regardless of which asterisk-voicemail-* is installed (each package
        conflicts on each other), the name of the module is now
      * Fix a bug with app_voicemail-* not being copied properly.
     -- Lorenzo De Liso <email address hidden>   Mon, 02 May 2011 10:44:38 +0200
  • asterisk (1: natty; urgency=low
      * SECURITY UPDATE: Stack buffer overflow in SIP channel driver. (LP: #705014)
        - debian/patches/AST-2011-001-1.6.2: The size of the output buffer passed
          to the ast_uri_encode function is now properly respected in main/utils.c.
          Patch courtesy of upstream.
        - CVE-2011-0495
     -- Dave Walker (Daviey) <email address hidden>   Thu, 20 Jan 2011 21:19:46 +0000