cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.4.0~2.1-0ubuntu0.1) oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
* New upstream bug fix release. (LP: #886676)
* Upstream ChangeLog:
- Desklet-rendering - viewport: fixed a crash when the desklet is empty
- Status-Notifier: patch to work around strange bugs
in the Ubuntu's indicator-application
- Switcher: fixed a crash in expanded+desklet mode, a wrong loading
of the icons and a small drawing bug with the non-compact view.
- GMenu: look for *-applications.menu file in the xdg path
(if common file names are not found, e.g. with KDE env in Oneiric)
* debian/patches/01-switcher-force-compact-view.patch:
- Deleted (now in upstream)
* debian/patches/01-removed-useless-g_print.patch:
- Removed useless output messages
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Sun, 11 Dec 2011 23:10:15 -0800
cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.4.0~2-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) ]
* New upstream bug fix release. (LP: #859984)
* Upstream (short) ChangeLog (2.4.0~0beta2 -> 2.4.0~1):
- Powermanager: correctly release the reference on the device object
- logout: now works if there is no session-manager
- Status-Notifier: fixed a small bug
(wrong callback in cairo_dock_stop_watching_dbus_name_owner)
- Folders: fixed the positionning of the new icon
and the dialog when dropping a folder inside the dock
and fixed the icon-rendering
- Dustbin: use the default theme if no icon is found
- Impulse: the default context seems to be ok and not an error
- Status-Notifier: On Ubuntu Oneiric (with indicator-0.4)
the ApplicationAdded signal has changed and has a new parameter
- Disable MeMenu on Oneiric (no longer available with indicator-0.4)
- CMakeLists.txt: Improved output messages
- Slide view: fixed a small offset in vertical view
- musicPlayer:
+ split MPRIS 1.0 and 2.0 to help debugging and finding the right
name of the bug.
+ 'rhythmbox-client' tool is no longer available: used MPRIS
+ Disable Amazon service (it no longer work)
+ Cover: fixed corrupted icons: some players (e.g. the latest version
of RB) copy covers on their cache forlder but it takes a few time.
+ Fixed the update the icon and its name if the player is stopped.
+ Prevent a crash if the name given by MPRIS is NULL
- Powermanager: try to prevent to have a few dialogues at the same time
- PowerManager and AlsaMixer: hidden gnome2 or 3 apps if not available
- Messaging-Menu: Updated for Natty and Oneiric
(dbus-menu gives us GVariant instead of GValue objects)
- Alsamixer: fixed a small bug on reload
- Dbus: Bash interface: Fixed a typo with emblem positions
- Sys-monitor: fixed a bug which prevented from getting
the CPU temperature in some cases
- Compiz (0.9): type filter: replaced type=utility by type=Utility
- Updated the version of all applets that have gauges
in order to use the right directory
- Wifi: Fixed the status if we are not connected
- Dbus: removed a conflict with the Help applet
- Messaging-Menu: updated applet-menu.c => Memory leaks on pixbufs
- Dbus: Fixed a crash when changing dock theme if a 'third-party' applet
is running
- Netspeed: in /proc/net/dev, there are 8 values to drop after the card id
except if there is whitespaces just after this ':' character
and fixed order and value for ON_ICON display
- dock-rendering/toto: removed a useless file
- Clipper: fixed the loading of the remembered items
(they had the wrong type) and fixed a bug if we reduce the list of items
- Folders, dustbin, Network-Monitor: tried to not use cast if it's possible
- Code cleaned and re-organised a few functions
(e.g. emblem references has been renamed)
- Removed useless files: powermanager-dbus*
- Updating translations
- Fixed a few warnings at the compilation
- Removed a few useless output messages
- Fixed these LP bugs:
+ Empty trash from the trashcan does not delete files
from usb harddisks: LP: #658681
+ Switcher applet doesn't respect desktop numbers LP: #626782
* Upstream (short) ChangeLog (2.4.0~1 -> 2.4.0~2):
- Messaging-Menu: fixed a wrong g_object_unref (double free)
and a small memory leak
- Folders: fixed a tiny warning at the compilation (32bits)
- switcher: removed an unnecessary config parameter
- Folders: file size: used English instead of French translation.
- Indicator applet: Forced a cast to remove an annoying warning
due to clumsy dbusmenu_gtkmenu_new() declaration
- Fixed the detection of the screensaver
- Fixed tiny warnings at the compilation (with CAIRO_CONTAINER)
* debian/control:
- Updated the version of cairo-dock-[core;data;dev].
- Added gvfs as 'Suggests' for cairo-dock-plug-ins-integration
(Used for managing files)
- Removed 'libthunar-vfs-1-dev' (libthunar-vfs is no longer installed
by default since XFCE 4.8 and it is replaced by gvfs)
- Removed 'indicator-me' (no longer available
and the installation of Cairo-Dock produces an error)
- Moved 'indicator-messages' to 'Recommends'
* debian/rules:
- Updated the name of CMake extras flags
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins-data.lintian-overrides:
- Deleted (now useless)
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins.lintian-overrides:
- Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins are not linked to gldi
- shlib-without-versioned-soname: forwarded to upstream.
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins-integration.lintian-overrides:
- Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins are not linked to gldi
- ldconfig and shlibs are not needed
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins.install:
- Fixed lintian errors: package-installs-python-bytecode
* debian/control: Fixed lintian warnings:
- python-script-but-no-python-dep
- description-synopsis-starts-with-article
* debian/changelog:
- Fixed lintian warning: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file
* debian/patches/01-switcher-force-compact-view.patch:
- Forced the compact view because the other doesn't work
[ Iain Lane ]
* Fix Mono/CLI build to be ~policy compliant and use correct compiler
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Sun, 09 Oct 2011 00:19:16 +0200
cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.4.0~0beta2-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (LP: #823514)
* Upstream (short) ChangeLog:
- The Power-Manager applet has been rewritten to work on any plateform.
- Compiz-icon applet has been replaced by Composite-Manager.
- Improved integration in the XFCE, LXDE and GNOME3 desktop.
- Logout is now working even if there is no/an unknow session manager.
- Several new DBus methods lets you interact on the dock more easily.
- Added the possibility to shutdown/logout with GMenu.
- Improved Status-Notifier and added its own watcher.
- Added a new applet: Impulse (still need testing).
- Fixed a few bugs as usual.
* debian/patches:
- Removed all patches (they was already unapplied).
* debian/copyright:
- Updated with new files/directory.
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins.install:
- Added status-notifier-watcher used by Status-Notifier applet.
* debian/control:
- Updated the version of cairo-dock-[core;data;dev].
- Bump Standard-Version to 3.9.2.
- Added fftw3, pulse (Impulse) and upower-glib (Logout)
as new dependences for the build process.
- Added indicator-[me;messages] as new recommendations
for cairo-dock-plug-ins (needed for [Me;Messaging]Menu applets).
- Removed gawk from the build dependences list (no longer needed).
* cairo-dock-plug-ins package needs to be recompiled (LP: #811579)
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 21:50:47 +0200
cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.3.0~3-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (LP: #799774)
* Upstream ChangeLog:
- Status Notifier: enable translations (fixed a typo)
- Weather: prevent a crash if there is an error (LP: #788437)
- dnd2share: avoid a crash of u1sdtool
* debian/patches:
- Removed all patches (now in upstream)
* debian/control:
- Updated version
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Tue, 05 Jul 2011 13:45:43 -0400
cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.3.0~2-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (LP: #786105)
* Upstream ChangeLog:
- Fixed a typo in CMakeLists.txt about Ruby interface
- CMakeLists.txt: Added the status of applets (stable / unstable
/ unsupported) to help packagers to not include unstable or
unsupported applets on Cairo-Dock packages for stable distributions
* debian/patches:
- Added two upstream's patches:
+ to avoid a crash of u1sdtool (dnd2share)
+ to prevent a crash with Weather (LP: #788437)
* debian/control:
- Removed libgvfscommon-dev (not used and no longer available)
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Mon, 06 Jun 2011 12:09:47 +0200
cairo-dock-plug-ins (2.3.0~1-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* New Upstream Version (LP: #723995)
* Upstream short ChangeLog (since 2.3.0~0rc1):
- Updated translations
- Updated the integration of the new versions of kwin and compiz
(Switcher, ShowDesktop, etc.)
- Removed a lot of useless g_print
- Updated a few plug-ins to fit with the new version of the API (gldit)
- Fixed a few bugs
- Updated MeMenu, MessagingMenu and Status-Notifier to works
with the latest version of dbusmenu, etc.
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins.install:
- Added new files (interfaces for python, ruby, vala and mono)
* debian/control:
- Added new dependences for new applets (sensors and zeitgeist)
and new interfaces (python, valac, ruby and mono)
- Updated the version of cairo-dock build-dependences
* debian/rules:
- Added a new CMake flag to install python interface in debian/tmp
* Updated debian/watch
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Wed, 20 Apr 2011 20:46:51 +0200