Change logs for gutenprint source package in Oneiric

  • gutenprint (5.2.7-2ubuntu4) oneiric; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/cups-1.5-compatibility.patch: Added missing "#include"
        entries to some source files.
      * debian/control: Versioned build dependency on foomatic-db to assure that
        the Ubuntu build server installs the physical package foomatic-db and
        not foomatic-db-compressed-ppds which only provides foomatic-db
        (LP: #829471).
      * debian/control, debian/rules: Compress PPD files with the pyppd
        debhelper dh_pypped, build depend on pyppd 0.4.9-5.
      * debian/control, debian/rules, debian/ijsgutenprint-ppds.postinst,
        debian/foomatic-db-gutenprint.ppd-updater: Let automatic update of the
        PPDs of already existing print queues be done by CUPS. Removed dependencies
        on CUPS packages from all binary packages of the IJS-based flavor of
     -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden>   Fri, 19 Aug 2011 23:10:23 +0200
  • gutenprint (5.2.7-2ubuntu3) oneiric; urgency=low
      * debian/control: Changed build dependency on foomatic-db-xml back to
        foomatic-db and added "Build-Conflicts: foomatic-db-compressed-ppds"
        instead to assure that the Foomatic XML database is present during
        package build and not only the compressed archive of the Foomatic PPD
     -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden>   Mon,  1 Aug 2011 19:07:23 +0200
  • gutenprint (5.2.7-2ubuntu2) oneiric; urgency=low
      * debian/control: Build-depend on foomatic-db-xml, to make sure that the XML
        files of Foomatic are installed and not the compressed PPDs.
     -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden>   Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:22:03 +0100
  • gutenprint (5.2.7-2ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Include the simplified CUPS Raster PPDs of Gutenprint by
          an explicit "./configure" option.
        - debian/control, debian/rules, debian/ijsgutenprint-ppds.install,
          debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.install, debian/ijsgutenprint-ppds.postinst:
          Added the binary package ijsgutenprint-ppds: This package contains all
          PPDs which can be generated from the Foomatic XML database for
          ijsgutenprint in one compressed pyppd archive. This takes much less disk
          space than the XML database (1.1 MB vs. 102 MB) and makes access (listing
          all PPDs, extracting the needed PPD) also significantly faster.
        - debian/patches/generic-large-format-printers.patch:  Use "Large Format"
          instead of "LF" in the names of the Generic PCL printers, this way users
          understand better what the difference between the entries is.
        - debian/patches/no-data-dumper-needed.patch: Data::Dumper is imported,
          but never actually used, so drop that.
        - debian/patches/upgrade-getopt.patch: Replace Getopt::Std by
          configuring Getopt::Long to run in a mode compatible with Getopt::Std
        - debian/control: Dependency on perl is no longer necessary - Data::Dumper
          and Getopt::Std were the last modules being used that aren't in perl-base.
        - debian/rules: Build with "--enable-nls" in the "./configure" command
        - debian/local/, debian/rules,
          debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.install: Added apport hook.
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.postinst: Make failures of the updater
          for the PPD files of existing print queues for the CUPS Raster driver
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.install: don't install
        - debian/patches/10_cups_modeldir.patch: place ppd files in
        - debian/control: Added transitional cupsys-driver-gutenprint package,
          easing the transition from hardy. Versioned Conflicts/Replaces.
        - debian/foomatic-db-gutenprint.postinst: automatically update the PPD
          files of existing CUPS queues which use the IJS driver.
        - debian/control: Added dependency on cups and cups-client to
          foomatic-db-gutenprint to assure that automatic PPD updates take
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.postinst,
          debian/foomatic-db-gutenprint.postinst: Call CUPS command line
          clients (lpstat, lpadmin, ...) with "-h ..." option to assure local
          connections to be done even if a client.conf file points to a
          remote CUPS server, as this driver package only serves for the
          local CUPS and if the local machine tries to do changes on a
          remote server, the CUPS clients ask for the remote server's password
      * debian/patches/10_cups_modeldir.dpatch,
        debian/patches/upgrade-getopt.patch: Regenerated all the patches with quilt
        and renamed them appropriately to *.patch instead of *.dpatch.
      * debian/patches/use-dnointerpolate-in-ghostscript-command-lines.patch:
        Added "-dNOINTERPOLATE" to the Ghostscript command lines in the Foomatic/IJS
        PPD files to make the page rendering by Ghostscript significantly faster.
      * debian/rules: Fixed a bug in saving and restoring the scripts/config.guess
        and scripts/config.sub files. These always produced a delta in the upstream
        source code and so an unneeded debian/patches/debian-changes-* file.
      * debian/rules: Created /usr/share/doc/cups-driver-gutenprint/ directory
        for the README file of the CUPS driver (the normal build process creates
        this directory only later).
      * debian/rules: Run foomatic-compiledb with "-j 4" (4 parallel jobs) if
        automatic determination of the job number fails. This is a good value
        for modern desktop systems (on which one tests the build before uploading),
        taking into account that one task does not load a full CPU.
    gutenprint (5.2.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Set libdir correctly.
    gutenprint (5.2.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream stable release.
      * Upgrade to Standards Version 3.9.2 (no changes).
      * Drop inactive maintainers from Uploaders.
      * Use dh from debhelper for building.
      * Use multiarch paths.
     -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden>   Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:26:03 +0100
  • gutenprint (5.2.6-1ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Include the simplified CUPS Raster PPDs of Gutenprint by
          an explicit "./configure" option.
        - debian/control, debian/rules, ijsgutenprint-ppds.install,
          ijsgutenprint-ppds.postinst: Added the binary package ijsgutenprint-ppds:
          This package contains all PPDs which can be generated from the Foomatic
          XML database for ijsgutenprint in one compressed pyppd archive. This
          takes much less disk space than the XML database (1.1 MB vs. 102 MB) and
          makes access (listing all PPDs, extracting the needed PPD) also
          significantly faster.
        - debian/patches/generic-large-format-printers.dpatch:  Use "Large Format"
          instead of "LF" in the names of the Generic PCL printers, this way users
          understand better what the difference between the entries is.
        - debian/patches/no-data-dumper-needed.dpatch: Data::Dumper is imported,
          but never actually used, so drop that.
        - debian/patches/upgrade-getopt.dpatch: Replace Getopt::Std by
          configuring Getopt::Long to run in a mode compatible with Getopt::Std
        - debian/control: Dependency on perl is no longer necessary - Data::Dumper
          and Getopt::Std were the last modules being used that aren't in perl-base.
        - debian/rules: Build with "--enable-nls" in the "./configure" command
        - debian/local/, debian/rules,
          debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.install: Added apport hook.
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.postinst: Make failures of the updater
          for the PPD files of existing print queues for the CUPS Raster driver
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.install: don't install
        - debian/patches/10_cups_modeldir.dpatch: place ppd files in
        - debian/control: Added transitional cupsys-driver-gutenprint package,
          easing the transition from hardy. Versioned Conflicts/Replaces.
        - debian/foomatic-db-gutenprint.postinst: automatically update the PPD
          files of existing CUPS queues which use the IJS driver.
        - debian/control: Added dependency on cups and cups-client to
          foomatic-db-gutenprint to assure that automatic PPD updates take
        - debian/cups-driver-gutenprint.postinst,
          debian/foomatic-db-gutenprint.postinst: Call CUPS command line
          clients (lpstat, lpadmin, ...) with "-h ..." option to assure local
          connections to be done even if a client.conf file points to a
          remote CUPS server, as this driver package only serves for the
          local CUPS and if the local machine tries to do changes on a
          remote server, the CUPS clients ask for the remote server's password
      * debian/control, debian/rules, debian/local/pyppd: Use external pyppd
        package for the compression of the ijsgutenprint PPDs.
     -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden>   Tue, 22 Feb 2011 17:33:03 +0100