matplotlib (1.0.1-2ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #607395). Remaining changes:
- Drop python-qt-dev from build-depends and python-qt3 from
python-matplotlib suggests to support python-qt3 removal. Reflect
this in README.Debian.
matplotlib (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable
- fixed a FTBFS since the failing code (unicode vs byte-string) is rewritten
in 1.0.x branch; thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for the report and to Stefano
Rivera for the analysis; Closes: #625150
* debian/rules
- remove verbose logging for debhelper
- remove compiled python code from documentation
* debian/patches/70_search_new_tkdir.patch
- added patch to look for the updated location of '' script;
thanks to Julian Taylor for the report and patch; Closes: #621700
* debian/control
- bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed)
- removed XB-P-V/Conflicts/Replaces/Provides, no more needed
matplotlib (1.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release; Closes: #606116
* debian/patches/{10_build_fix.patch, 20_matplotlibrc_path_search_fix.patch}
- updated to new upstream code
* debian/patches/30_doc_pass_dpi.patch
- removed, merged upstream
* debian/rules
- don't compress objects.inv; thanks to Michael Fladischer for the report;
Closes: #608760
* debian/rules, debian/patches/30_disable_sample_downloads.patch
- bypass examples data download from internet, but use local copy instead
* debian/python-matplotlib-data.install
- install examples sample data
* debian/control
- bump Standards-Version: to 3.9.1 (no changes needed)
- removed DM-U-A flag, no more needed
- added python-xlwt to b-d, needed to build doc examples
- Benjamin Drung removed himself from the Uploaders list
* debian/copyright
- updated debian packaging copyright
* debian/patches/40_bts608939_draw_markers_description.patch
- fix a glitch (missing reference to documentation page) in draw_markers()
description; thanks to Jakub Wilk for report and patch; Closes: #608939
* debian/patches/50_bts608942_spaces_in_param_args.patch
- don't separate param and its argument with a space, new sphinx consider
the first argument as the type; thanks to Jakub Wilk for the report;
Closes: #608942
* debian/patches/60_doc_output_format.patch
- obtain the documentation output format even if the value is a unicode (as
returned by recent sphinx); thanks to Jakub Wilk for the tip on IRC
-- Julian Taylor <email address hidden> Sun, 08 May 2011 07:25:16 +0100